  $.fn.countdown = function(){

   var current = 5;
   function count(){





Why in this plugin I'm getting a console error Uncaught TypeError: Object [object global] has no method 'text'. But if i declare this as a variable outside of the count function, for example var this_selected = this; and then use it inside the count function then it is working.

  • scope question makes my head spin, I think this inside the count function refers to the window. I am sure someone will clear this up for you
    – Huangism
    Jul 16, 2013 at 14:58

2 Answers 2


A javascript variable should be declared before using it. Don't you mean $(this) in this case?

  • Not exactly. this outside the scope of the count function is already a jQuery object, therefore it doesn't need $(). Inside the count function it references window rather than the selected element, therefore $(this) isn't needed unless you want a jQuery object containing the window.
    – Kevin B
    Jul 16, 2013 at 15:24

this is a confusing and dumb aspect of Javascript. Anyone who disagrees has spent too much time in its world.

The only time you can really know what this will be in a function is in one of two ways:

myFunc = function() {
  // I wonder what 'this' is?
myObj.myFunc = myFunc;

// ('this' will be 'myObj')   ...OR...

myFunc.apply(myObj/*, any extra arguments here*/);
// ('this' will again be 'myObj'). apply is a special method in each function object

On my part, the issue is solved with dojo.hitch, which uses apply internally. It sounds like the solution is a little different in JQuery. Perhaps this answer will help you.

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