I want to return top 10 records from each section in one query. Can anyone help with how to do it? Section is one of the columns in the table.

Database is SQL Server 2005. I want to return the top 10 by date entered. Sections are business, local, and feature. For one particular date I want only the top (10) business rows (most recent entry), the top (10) local rows, and the top (10) features.


16 Answers 16


If you are using SQL 2005 you can do something like this...

SELECT rs.Field1,rs.Field2 
    FROM (
        SELECT Field1,Field2, Rank() 
          over (Partition BY Section
                ORDER BY RankCriteria DESC ) AS Rank
        FROM table
        ) rs WHERE Rank <= 10

If your RankCriteria has ties then you may return more than 10 rows and Matt's solution may be better for you.

  • 41
    If you really just want the top 10, change it to RowNumber() instead of Rank(). No ties then.
    – Mike L
    Oct 7, 2008 at 3:26
  • 4
    This works, but be aware that rank() is likely to be turned into a full table sort by the query planner if there isn't an index who's first key is the RankCriteria. In this case you may get better mileage selecting the distinct sections and cross applying to pick out the top 10 ordered by RankCriteria desc. Feb 13, 2013 at 9:42
  • Great Answer! Got me almost exactly what I needed. I ended up going with DENSE_RANK which doesn't have any gaps in numbering. +1 Mar 21, 2013 at 23:33
  • 1
    @Facbed It's just an alias on the table. May 4, 2014 at 17:04
  • 20
    For anyone using Sql Server, the RowNumber() function mentioned by Mike L is ROW_NUMBER(). Jul 6, 2016 at 23:07

In T-SQL, I would do:

    over (
        PARTITION BY [group_by_field] 
        order by [prioritise_field]
    ) AS RowNo 
    FROM [table_name]
  • 2
    :Please be more descriptive about your solution. Refer:How to Answer
    – askmish
    Oct 20, 2012 at 1:20
  • Is select query at CTE can contain where clause?
    – toha
    Sep 13, 2016 at 10:37
  • 1
    @toha Yes it can
    – KindaTechy
    May 11, 2017 at 14:05
  • 2
    Although you say "In T-SQL" this works for any database implementing the ROW_NUMBER function. For example, I've used this solution in SQLite.
    – Tony
    Oct 6, 2019 at 9:57
  • 2
    It works for postgres sql as well. I just had to use "order by [prioritise_field] desc "
    – Phun
    May 11, 2020 at 5:58
                          ORDER BY r.[DateEntered] DESC) rn
    FROM [Records] r
) r
WHERE r.rn <= 10
ORDER BY r.[DateEntered] DESC
  • What if there is a tie in DateEntered?
    – Yiping
    Oct 12, 2020 at 1:07
  • 1
    @Yiping Undefined. Any row could win. It depends on many circumstances and can vary. You can make the order be more specific by adding more columns, e.g. ORDER BY r.DateEntered, r.ID, but it's all up to your particular task.
    – lorond
    Oct 13, 2020 at 18:46
  • Thx, I think use RANK() in your answer will make it work.
    – Yiping
    Oct 14, 2020 at 8:42
  • @Yiping question was about top 10 rows from each category, RANK() could produce more. But if you need top 10 ties, RANK() definitely would be the best option.
    – lorond
    Oct 14, 2020 at 12:45
  • rank() and dense_rank() was a bad idea, in my case using rank or dense_rank returned 15 rows, not 10. but when I used row_number() it always returned up to 10 rows only - correctly. you have my vote for this best answer for my needs, similar to OP
    – hamish
    Feb 9, 2021 at 12:07

This works on SQL Server 2005 (edited to reflect your clarification):

select *
from Things t
where t.ThingID in (
    select top 10 ThingID
    from Things tt
    where tt.Section = t.Section and tt.ThingDate = @Date
    order by tt.DateEntered desc
    and t.ThingDate = @Date
order by Section, DateEntered desc
  • 2
    This doesn't work for rows where Section is null, though. You'd need to say "where (tt.Section is null and t.Section is null) or tt.Section = t.Section" Oct 7, 2008 at 2:11

I do it this way:

SELECT a.* FROM articles AS a
  LEFT JOIN articles AS a2 
    ON a.section = a2.section AND a.article_date <= a2.article_date
GROUP BY a.article_id
HAVING COUNT(*) <= 10;

update: This example of GROUP BY works in MySQL and SQLite only, because those databases are more permissive than standard SQL regarding GROUP BY. Most SQL implementations require that all columns in the select-list that aren't part of an aggregate expression are also in the GROUP BY.

  • 1
    Does that work? I'm pretty sure you'd "a.somecolumn is invalid in the select list as it is not contained in an aggregate function or the group by clause" for every column in articles except article_id..
    – Blorgbeard
    Oct 7, 2008 at 10:39
  • 1
    You should be able to include other columns that are functionally dependent on the column(s) named in the GROUP BY. Columns that are not functionally dependent are ambiguous. But you're right, depending on RDBMS implementation. It works in MySQL but IIRC fails in InterBase/Firebird. Oct 7, 2008 at 21:03
  • 1
    Would this work in the case that the top eleven records for a section all had the same date? They would all have counts of 11 and the result would be an empty set.
    – Arth
    Nov 5, 2015 at 17:13
  • No, you need to have some way of breaking ties if they all have the same date. See stackoverflow.com/questions/121387/… for an example. Nov 5, 2015 at 18:27
  • 1
    @carlosgg, if articles have a many-to-many relationship with sections, then you'd need to have an intersection table to map articles to their sections. Then your query would have to join to an intersection table for the m2m relationship, and group by article_id and section. That should get you started, but I'm not going to write out the whole solution in a comment. Mar 16, 2017 at 23:42

If we use SQL Server >= 2005, then we can solve the task with one select only:

declare @t table (
    Id      int ,
    Section int,
    Moment  date

insert into @t values
(   1   ,   1   , '2014-01-01'),
(   2   ,   1   , '2014-01-02'),
(   3   ,   1   , '2014-01-03'),
(   4   ,   1   , '2014-01-04'),
(   5   ,   1   , '2014-01-05'),

(   6   ,   2   , '2014-02-06'),
(   7   ,   2   , '2014-02-07'),
(   8   ,   2   , '2014-02-08'),
(   9   ,   2   , '2014-02-09'),
(   10  ,   2   , '2014-02-10'),

(   11  ,   3   , '2014-03-11'),
(   12  ,   3   , '2014-03-12'),
(   13  ,   3   , '2014-03-13'),
(   14  ,   3   , '2014-03-14'),
(   15  ,   3   , '2014-03-15');

-- TWO earliest records in each Section

select top 1 with ties
    Id, Section, Moment 
order by 
        when row_number() over(partition by Section order by Moment) <= 2 
        then 0 
        else 1 

-- THREE earliest records in each Section

select top 1 with ties
    Id, Section, Moment 
order by 
        when row_number() over(partition by Section order by Moment) <= 3 
        then 0 
        else 1 

-- three LATEST records in each Section

select top 1 with ties
    Id, Section, Moment 
order by 
        when row_number() over(partition by Section order by Moment desc) <= 3 
        then 0 
        else 1 
  • 1
    +1 I like this solution for it's simplicity but could you explain how using top 1 works with the case statement in the order by clause returning 0 or 1?
    – Ceres
    Jun 19, 2015 at 14:40
  • 3
    TOP 1 works with WITH TIES here. WITH TIES means that when ORDER BY = 0, then SELECT takes this record (because of TOP 1) and all others that have ORDER BY = 0 (because of WITH TIES) Jun 19, 2015 at 15:24

If you know what the sections are, you can do:

select top 10 * from table where section=1
select top 10 * from table where section=2
select top 10 * from table where section=3
  • 5
    This would be the easiest way of doing it. Oct 7, 2008 at 2:15
  • 4
    But this would be inefficient if you have 150 or if categories are variable by day, week, etc. Sep 8, 2017 at 15:26
  • 5
    Sure, but to quote OP: "Sections are business, local, and feature". If you have three static categories, this is the best way to do it.
    – Blorgbeard
    Sep 8, 2017 at 15:31

I know this thread is a little bit old but I've just bumped into a similar problem (select the newest article from each category) and this is the solution I came up with :

WITH [TopCategoryArticles] AS (
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
            PARTITION BY [ArticleCategoryID]
            ORDER BY [ArticleDate] DESC
        ) AS [Order]
    FROM [dbo].[Articles]
SELECT [Articles].* 
    [TopCategoryArticles] LEFT JOIN 
    [dbo].[Articles] ON
        [TopCategoryArticles].[ArticleID] = [Articles].[ArticleID]
WHERE [TopCategoryArticles].[Order] = 1

This is very similar to Darrel's solution but overcomes the RANK problem that might return more rows than intended.

  • Why use CTE Sir? Is it reduce memory consumption?
    – toha
    Sep 13, 2016 at 10:22
  • @toha because CTEs are simpler and easier to understand Dec 4, 2019 at 18:23
  • Great answer!! It could be optimised by using inner JOIN instead of LEFT JOIN, since there will never be a record for TopCategoryArticles without a corresponding Article record. Dec 4, 2019 at 18:36

Tried the following and it worked with ties too.

SELECT rs.Field1,rs.Field2 
    SELECT Field1,Field2, ROW_NUMBER() 
      OVER (Partition BY Section
            ORDER BY RankCriteria DESC ) AS Rank
    FROM table
    ) rs WHERE Rank <= 10
  • Hello there, the query works fine for me until I add an aggregated measure in the view. SELECT rs.Field1,rs.Field2,rs.measure FROM ( SELECT Field1,Field2, sum(cast(measure as INT)) over(partition by section) as agg_measure, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Partition BY Section ORDER BY agg_measure DESC ) AS Rank FROM table ) rs WHERE Rank <= 10 Can you please help me where I am going wrong. Oct 22, 2020 at 15:43

If you want to produce output grouped by section, displaying only the top n records from each section something like this:


deer        American Elk/Wapiti
deer        Chinese Water Deer
dog         Cocker Spaniel
dog         German Shephard
horse       Appaloosa
horse       Morgan

...then the following should work pretty generically with all SQL databases. If you want the top 10, just change the 2 to a 10 toward the end of the query.

    , x1.subsection
from example x1
    select count(*)
    from example x2
    where x2.section = x1.section
    and x2.subsection <= x1.subsection
    ) <= 2
order by section, subsection;

To set up:

create table example ( id int, section varchar(25), subsection varchar(25) );

insert into example select 0, 'dog', 'Labrador Retriever';
insert into example select 1, 'deer', 'Whitetail';
insert into example select 2, 'horse', 'Morgan';
insert into example select 3, 'horse', 'Tarpan';
insert into example select 4, 'deer', 'Row';
insert into example select 5, 'horse', 'Appaloosa';
insert into example select 6, 'dog', 'German Shephard';
insert into example select 7, 'horse', 'Thoroughbred';
insert into example select 8, 'dog', 'Mutt';
insert into example select 9, 'horse', 'Welara Pony';
insert into example select 10, 'dog', 'Cocker Spaniel';
insert into example select 11, 'deer', 'American Elk/Wapiti';
insert into example select 12, 'horse', 'Shetland Pony';
insert into example select 13, 'deer', 'Chinese Water Deer';
insert into example select 14, 'deer', 'Fallow';
  • This doesn't work when I want just the first record for each section. It eliminates all section groups that have more than 1 record. I tried by replacing <=2 with <=1
    – nils
    Jul 18, 2016 at 14:52
  • @nils There are only three section values: deer, dog and horse. If you change the query to <= 1, you get one subsection for each section: American Elk/Wapiti for deer, Cocker Spaniel for dog and Appaloosa for horse. These are also the first values in each section alphabetically. The query is meant to eliminate all of the other values. Jul 18, 2016 at 15:17
  • But when I try to run your query, it eliminates everything because the count is >=1 for everything. It doesn't preserve the 1st subsection for each section. Can you try to run your query for <=1 and let me know if you get the first subsection for each section?
    – nils
    Jul 19, 2016 at 16:28
  • @nils Hi, I did recreate this little test database from the scripts and ran the query using <= 1, and it returned the first subsection value from each section. What database server are you using? There's always a chance it's related to your database of choice. I just ran this in MySQL because it was handy and it behaved as expected. I'm pretty sure when I did it the first time (I wanted to make sure what I posted actually worked without debuggin), I'm pretty sure I did it using either Sybase SQL Anywhere or MS SQL Server. Jul 20, 2016 at 22:38
  • it worked perfectly for me in mysql. I changed a query little bit not sure why did he used <= for varchar field in subsection.. i changed it to and x2.subsection = x1.subsection Jan 30, 2020 at 4:50

Q) Finding TOP X records from each group(Oracle)

SQL> select * from emp e 
  2  where e.empno in (select d.empno from emp d 
  3  where d.deptno=e.deptno and rownum<3)
  4  order by deptno
  5  ;

 EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO

  7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-81       2450                    10
  7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       5000                    10
  7369 SMITH      CLERK           7902 17-DEC-80        800                    20
  7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-APR-81       2975                    20
  7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN        7698 20-FEB-81       1600        300         30
  7521 WARD       SALESMAN        7698 22-FEB-81       1250        500         30

6 rows selected.

  • The question was about SQL Server, not Oracle. Jul 18, 2016 at 15:21

While the question was about SQL Server 2005, most people have moved on and if they do find this question, what could be the preferred answer in other situations is one using CROSS APPLY as illustrated in this blog post.

  SELECT TOP 10 u.*
  FROM u
  WHERE u.t_id = t.t_id
  ORDER BY u.something DESC
) u

This query involves 2 tables. The OP's query only involves 1 table, in case of which a window function based solution might be more efficient.


Might the UNION operator work for you? Have one SELECT for each section, then UNION them together. Guess it would only work for a fixed number of sections though.


You can try this approach. This query returns 10 most populated cities for each country.

   SELECT city, country, population
   (SELECT city, country, population, 
   @country_rank := IF(@current_country = country, @country_rank + 1, 1) AS country_rank,
   @current_country := country 
   FROM cities
   ORDER BY country, population DESC
   ) ranked
   WHERE country_rank <= 10;
  • This solution does not pass a test case when we have a table with a record of one country with 9 same population for example it returns null instead of returning all 9 available records in order. Any suggestion to fix this issue? Jul 23, 2018 at 23:31

Note: I know the OP has only 3 groups but this is a known general problem for many developers and there's no really good solution in SQL. So let me show you another way.


You can write it as one query. That is, formally one query, but it contans either subqueries or a self-JOIN which makes it in fact multiple operations under the hood. So you might as well just select each group individually.


If you want a performant solution, you need to work a bit more. Let's say you have 100 employees, you have 26 buildings from A to Z, people move around them (enter/leave), and you need the last 5 events for every building.

EVENT_ID   EVENT_TIME            EMPOYEE_ID   EVENT_CODE   BUILDING                           
883691     2023-03-29 11:00:00   92           enter        A                                           
883690     2023-03-29 11:00:21   78           enter        C                                           
883689     2023-03-29 11:00:25   58           enter        A                                           
883688     2023-03-29 11:02:10   22           leave        H                                           
883687     2023-03-29 11:31:42   73           leave        P                                           

You want to avoid 26 queries.

Here's what you can do:

  1. Write a query with a simple ORDER BY EVENT_ID DESC (or EVENT_TIME DESC), to get the last N events for all buildings.
  2. Set N (the limit) to a reasonable estimate that will have data for most buildings, you don't need to have all of them but the more the better. Let's say LIMIT 5000.
  3. Process the result set on the application side, to see which buildings don't have the top 10 in it.
  4. For those buildings, run separate queries to get their top 10.

For theorists, this is an anti-pattern. But the first query will have almost the same performance as one of the single-building ones, and probably brings you most of what you need; a few buildings will be missing, depending on how the employees normally move. Then, you may need 5 more queries for those buildings, and some merging on the application level.

In short: get a result that's almost complete, then make it complete.

So if you need performance, this is one way. If you need clarity of the business logic, well, choose any other answer. This one is scary. But when you go for speed, you often need scary techniques.


This is a slight refinement (syntax only, swapping out a CASE statement for a GREATEST function) to Vadim Loboda's answer above.

DECLARE @N INT = 3; --the top "N" items to retrieve
WITH items(dt, category) AS
          SELECT '2000-01-01', 'group1' 
    UNION SELECT '2000-01-02', 'group1' 
    UNION SELECT '2000-01-03', 'group1' 
    UNION SELECT '2000-01-04', 'group1' 
    UNION SELECT '2000-01-05', 'group1' 
    UNION SELECT '1999-01-01', 'group2' 
    UNION SELECT '1999-01-02', 'group2' 
    UNION SELECT '1999-01-03', 'group2'
    UNION SELECT '1999-01-04', 'group2'
    UNION SELECT '2000-01-01', 'group3' 
FROM items

ROW_NUMBER is applied to each (partitioned by whatever we are grouping by), then subtract N from it so that it acquires a negative value for the first items, then the GREATEST function will instead return zero. All the rows with zero will then "tie" and TOP WITH TIES will give you just those rows.

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