i am trying to send a application only authentication request to twitter to get the access_token .i write a javascript code
function getTwitterAuthorizeTokens() { return {oauth_token: "abcdefg", oauth_token_secret: "asdfasdfasfdasdf"}; }
// Get the consumer key and secret
function getTwitterConsumerTokens() {
return {key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", secret: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"};
var s = encodeURIComponent(getTwitterConsumerTokens().key,'RFC 1738');
s += ':'+encodeURIComponent(getTwitterConsumerTokens().secret,'RFC 1738');
$( document ).ready(function(){
beforeSend: function (request)
request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic "+s);
url: "https://api.twitter.com/oauth2/token",
data: "grant_type=client_credentials",
processData: false,
success: function(msg) {
when this script is loaded .it is giving me error in console
OPTIONS https://api.twitter.com/oauth2/token 405 (Method Not Allowed) sinon-server-1.7.1.js:573
apply sinon-server-1.7.1.js:573
fakeXhr.(anonymous function) sinon-server-1.7.1.js:592
send jquery.min.js:4
f.extend.ajax jquery.min.js:4
(anonymous function) index.html:143
e.resolveWith jquery.min.js:2
e.extend.ready jquery.min.js:2
c.addEventListener.C jquery.min.js:2
XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://api.twitter.com/oauth2/token. Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. index.html:1
how to resolve this error please guideline. i am following this link https://dev.twitter.com/docs/auth/application-only-auth
when i host it using node.js .it is giving me error
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 405 (Method Not Allowed) https://api.twitter.com/oauth2/token?jsonp=success
XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://api.twitter.com/oauth2/token?jsonp=success. Origin http://localhost:8888 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. index.html:1
function ?