I've made the following table:
create table temp.promotions_xml(id serial promotion_xml xml);
I've inserted the following data into temp.promotions:
<promotions xmlns="http://www.demandware.com/xml/impex/promotion/2008-01-31">
<campaign campaign-id="2013-1st-semester-jet-giveaways">
<description>2013 1st Semester Jet Giveaways</description>
<customer-group group-id="Everyone"/>
The data is in the table.
I can't figure out how to get it out. I probably will want to be able to populate a relational model that I will build, so I want to get rid of all the tag's.
Below are a few queries that I've tried that don't work. I pretty sure that I am just dancing around the correct syntax. These queries return rows of empty sets.
FWIW, we are using Postgres 9.0.4.
Thanks, --sw
select xpath('/promotions/campaign/description/text()',promotion_xml) textcol from temp.promotions_xml
select xpath('./promotions/campaign/description/text()',promotion_xml) textcol from temp.promotions_xml
select xpath('promotions/campaign/description/text()',promotion_xml) textcol from temp.promotions_xml
select xpath('///description/text()',promotion_xml) textcol from temp.promotions_xml
select xpath('//description/text()',promotion_xml) textcol from temp.promotions_xml
select xpath('.//description/text()',promotion_xml) textcol from temp.promotions_xml
select xpath('./campaign/description/text()',promotion_xml) textcol from temp.promotions_xml
select xpath('//campaign/description/text()',promotion_xml) textcol from temp.promotions_xml