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I have found a similar question and a really useful answer using ExpressionVisitor class (Link: How can I convert a lambda-expression between different (but compatible) models?). Thank you all, I'm voting to my answer become closed as duplicate, please consider voting too.


I'm developing a repository code that uses a Data Transfer Object, like the code below.

public class UsuarioRepositorio : IUsuarioRepository
    private readonly MongoRepository<UsuarioDto> _Repository;

    public UsuarioRepository(string connectionString)
        _Repositorio = new MongoRepository<UsuarioDto>(connectionString, "");

public interface IUsuarioRepository
    IEnumerable<T> Select(Expression<Func<Usuario, bool>> predicate);
  • UsuarioDto is the data transfer object for the Usuario class, both inheriting from the interface IUsuario.

  • The UsuarioRepository implements the IUsuarioRepository interface, and has a private member called _Repository, which belongs to the MongoRepository<UsuarioDto> type.

  • The _Repository member has a method called Select which accepts an argument of type Expression<Func<UsuarioDto, bool>>.

  • The IUsuarioRepository has a declared method called Select which accepts an argument of type Expression<Func<Usuario, bool>>.


The problem is that I need to implement the Select method in UsuarioRepository, using the IUsuarioRepository method signature and passing to _Repository a new expression of Expression<Func<UsuarioDto, bool>> type, with the same parameters of Expression<Func<Usuario, bool>> argument.

Basically I need a way to copy the expression parameters to a new expression of different type, knowing that the expressions has the same properties because they have the same interface inheritance. Something like this:

public IEnumerable<Usuario> Select(Expression<Func<Usuario, bool>> predicate)
    Expression<Func<UsuarioDto, bool>> transferExpression = x => x != null;
    transferExpression = transferExpression .Update(predicate.Body, predicate.Parameters);

    return _Repository.Select(transferExpression ).ToList().Select(x => x.ToDomain());


  • The Update method of Expression type does work like the code above?
  • If it does not work, is there a way to copy expressions of different types, but with the same base/interface properties?

Thank you very much!


1 Answer 1


I have a blog post about combining 2 expressions of the same type here: http://blog.waseem-sabjee.com/2013/07/23/linq-expression-how-to-append-to-an-expression-at-a-later-stage/

all you will need to do to achieve working with 2 types is alter the static methods in my extension class LambdaExtensions to work with T, T2 instead of T

a word of warning, if referencing a property of T2 that is not in T1, it may not be successful - you will need to handle this.

I've provided you with a starting point, and I will also be attempting this myself, I will update this answer later - but feel free to try it out yourself so long.

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