To figure out the "ValueError" understand DataFrame and "scalar values" is needed.
To create a Dataframe from dict, at least one Array is needed.
IMO, array itself is indexed.
Therefore, if there is an array-like value there is no need to specify index.
e.g. The index of each element in ['a', 's', 'd', 'f'] are 0,1,2,3 separately.
df_array_like = pd.DataFrame({
'col' : 10086,
'col_2' : True,
'col_3' : "'at least one array'",
'col_4' : ['one array is arbitrary length', 'multi arrays should be the same length']})
print("df_array_like: \n", df_array_like)
col col_2 col_3 col_4
0 10086 True 'at least one array' one array is arbitrary length
1 10086 True 'at least one array' multi arrays should be the same length
As shows in the output, the index of the DataFrame is 0 and 1.
Coincidently same with the index of the array ['one array is arbitrary length', 'multi arrays should be the same length']
If comment out the 'col_4', it will raise
ValueError("If using all scalar values, you must pass an index")
Cause scalar value (integer, bool, and string) does not have index
Note that Index(...) must be called with a collection of some kind
Since index used to locate all the rows of DataFrame
index should be an array. e.g.
df_scalar_value = pd.DataFrame({
'col' : 10086,
'col_2' : True,
'col_3' : "'at least one array'"
}, index = ['fst_row','snd_row','third_row'])
print("df_scalar_value: \n", df_scalar_value)
col col_2 col_3
fst_row 10086 True 'at least one array'
snd_row 10086 True 'at least one array'
third_row 10086 True 'at least one array'
I'm a beginner, I'm learning python and English. 👀
would solve the error since the exception is produced when evaluating the DataFrame constructor?