var stringList = new List<string>(new string[] {
var queryText = "While walking through the park one day, I noticed an outage",
"in the lightbulb at the plant. I talked to an officer about",
"restoration protocol for public works, and he said to contact",
"the department of public works, but not to expect much because",
"they have low efficiency."
How do I get the overall number of occurances of all strings in stringList from queryText?
In the above example, I would want a method that returned 3;
private int stringMatches (string textToQuery, string[] stringsToFind)
Ran a couple of performance tests, and this branch of code from Fabian was faster by a good margin:
private int stringMatches(string textToQuery, string[] stringsToFind)
int count = 0;
foreach (var stringToFind in stringsToFind)
int currentIndex = 0;
while ((currentIndex = textToQuery.IndexOf(stringToFind , currentIndex, StringComparison.Ordinal)) != -1)
return count;
Execution Time: On a 10000 iteration loop using stopwatch:
Fabian: 37-42 milliseconds
lazyberezovsky StringCompare: 400-500 milliseconds
lazyberezovsky Regex: 630-680 milliseconds
Glenn: 750-800 milliseconds
(Added StringComparison.Ordinal to Fabians answer for additional speed.)
won't compile, what is it actually?