I'm googling this topic to reinforce my inner feeling about this because I'm working on an issue right now that makes me want to place certain logic in a service. Here's my case, and what I think is a plenty good justification for putting dom-based handling in service:
I have directive-based elements that react to mouse position, globally (e.g. they move or change in some way based off mouse position). There are an indeterminate number of these elements and they don't pertain to any specific location in the application (since it's a GUI element and can pertain to any container anywhere). If I were to adhere to the strict angular "dom logic in the directives only" rule, it'd be less efficient because the elements all share the logic pertaining to parsing the mouse position (efficiently) which revolves around window.requestAnimationFrame ticks.
Were I to bundle that logic into the directive, I'd have a listener/raf loop tied to every single instance. While it'd still be DRY, it wouldn't be efficient since on every move of the mouse you'd be firing the exact same listener that would return the exact same result for every single element.
It's actually best in this case to move this into a service, despite it being dom-based logic, and register each directive instance against the service to call the same, instance-based logic against the logic performed that would be duplicate for each instance.
Remember, while Angular provides some very good advice around how to structure you code, that does not make it bullet proof of by any means a hard and fast rule, since it can't possibly cover all use cases. If you see a hole where the "best practices" seem to fail, its because you're actually properly understanding the best practices, and you've now found a reason to break the rules on purpose.
That's just my 2 cents!!