I am trying to setup my Meteor app to use Google logins, Here is my setup in the /server/config.js file

service: "google"

service: "google",
clientId: "XXXXXXX",
secret: "XXXXXX"

I have the setup on google pointed to localhost:3000 I have accounts-ui and accounts-google installed on my meteor app.

and I see the google login button on my app's homepage but when I click it I get:

Error: redirect_uri_mismatch The redirect URI in the request: 
did not match a registered redirect URI

4 Answers 4


I'm using Nitrous.io since I am developing on Windows. This article explains why google sees the wrong URI.


Basically you need to launch meteor with a modified ROOT_URL so that it doesn't start with localhost.

Replace localhost.meteor.com with the URL that meteor is actually running at. ROOT_URL=http://localhost.meteor.com meteor


You have to register the redirect URL with Google's APIs Console. Log on to the console and check what redirect URI was set up. Add localhost if necessary


I tried it myself and added


in the API console. I added accounts-google and accounts-ui to the Hello World app and added the login button to the page

    {{> hello}}

I agreed to the requested permissions in the pop up and was logged in.

  • In the google console I have: ` Client ID: **** Email address: **** Client secret:**** Redirect URIs: localhost:3000 JavaScript origins: localhost:3000 ` Still not working, thanks for replying, do you have any other ideas?
    – glasses
    Commented Aug 1, 2013 at 1:37

Another idea : Did you removed the autopublish ? If so, you must publish the userData so your client can access to Users.

  • 1
    I misspelled autopublish while removing and this was causing the issue. Now its resolved. Commented Sep 12, 2015 at 16:15

I have the same problem on https://gotlog.in When I put https://gotlog.in/_oauth/google?close as the call back URL it get worth :

  1. That’s an error. Error: invalid_client no application name

And whe I put the good call back (https://gotlog.in/_oauth/google) as said in the setup popup I get the same :

  1. That’s an error. Error: redirect_uri_mismatch The redirect URI in the request: https://gotlog.in/_oauth/google?close did not match a registered redirect URI.

My root URL is setup and valid, but I have no userData published. But the documantation says : "By default, the current user's username, emails and profile are published to the client."

Edit: found the solution here : https://github.com/meteor/meteor/issues/2717

I was missing the consent screen information in the api console. And yes the callback URL has to have the '?close' at the end. Viva Meteor =)

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