I am trying to construct a type hierarchy for numerical domain types. e.g. a Year is an Int (which is a Number), a Percentage is a Double, which is a Number, etc. I need the hierarchy so that I can call toInt or toDouble on the values.

However, the Scala type hierarchy for the primitive numeric types has no common ancestor except AnyVal. This does not contain the to{Int, Double} functions that I need.

The closest type I could find is Numeric[T], which seems to exist primarily for some compiler trickery.

In Java, all the numbers derived from Number (including the arbitrary precision ones). How does one define an interface that caters for numerical types of object in Scala?

I'm currently hacking it with duck typing:

Any {
  def toInt: Int
  def toDouble: Double

which is not only long-winded, but incurs runtime reflection costs. Is there anything better?

  • 1
    What is the use case for calling toDouble on a Year?
    – Ben James
    Commented Aug 1, 2013 at 16:39
  • 1
    @BenJames there is not... this is simply illustrative.
    – fommil
    Commented Aug 1, 2013 at 16:58
  • Well, Numeric typeclass is really the way to go, but Scala still uses Java's Number class, so you can use it too. Commented Aug 1, 2013 at 18:13

2 Answers 2


Numeric[T] is exactly what you are looking for. Scala's way to go here is type classes (i.e. a thing like Numeric).

Instead of

def foo(x: java.lang.Number) = x.doubleValue

write one of

def foo[T](x: T)(implicit n: Numeric[T]) = n.toDouble(x)
def foo[T : Numeric](x: T) = implicitly[Numeric[T]].toDouble(x)

where the second is (almost) nothing but syntactic sugar.


Writing calls to the instance of Numeric every time you need an operation can become clumsy when the expression is more complex. To mitigate this, Numeric provides the implicit conversion mkNumericOps which augment T with the common ways of writing mathematical operations (i.e. 1 + 2 rather than n.plus(1,2)).

In order to use those, just import the members of the implicit Numeric:

def foo[T](x: T)(implicit n: Numeric[T]) = {
  import n._

Note that due to restrictions on import the abbreviated syntax for the implicit is hardly desirable here.

Type Classes

What happens here? If an argument list is marked as implicit, the compiler will automatically put a value of the required type there iff exactly one value of that type that is marked as implicit exists in scope. If you write


The compiler will automatically change this to


providing the method foo with operations on Double.

The huge advantage of this is that you can make types Numeric without them knowing. Suppose you have a library that gives you a type MyBigInt. Now suppose that in the Java world - unfortunately - the developers did not make it extend Number. There is nothing you can do.

In Scala, you can just write

implicit object MyBigIntIsNumeric extends Numeric[MyBigInt] {
   def compare(x: MyBigInt, y: MyBigInt) = ...
   // ...

and all your code using Numeric will now work with MyBigInt but you did not have to change the library. So Numeric could even be private to your project and this pattern would still work.

  • @LomigMégard has suggested an edit that explains the implicit magic better. I will edit the post.
    – gzm0
    Commented Aug 2, 2013 at 23:01

the answer from @gzm0 is a static solution, which the type must be checked in compiling time, I give a dynamic solution which cast the type in runtime,

def toDoubleDynamic(x: Any) = x match { case s: String => s.toDouble case jn: java.lang.Number => jn.doubleValue() case _ => throw new ClassCastException("cannot cast to double") }

It use case match to choose the correct type in runtime.

  • It depends situation. In my case, I use scala in spark framework. DataFrame (in spark) object has the field of different numeric type, I can't get it at compile time, but most spark api require double field, if not, it would throw exceptions, so the dynamic solution works in my application.
    – bourneli
    Commented Apr 26, 2016 at 8:01
  • 13
    my comment was deleted, not by me. I'll repeat it. This answer is the complete opposite of idiomatic Scala. If you find yourself wanting to do it this way, you're using the wrong language or should spend some time to understand the value of compile time typing.
    – fommil
    Commented Apr 26, 2016 at 18:45
  • 3
    @fommit But, still it happens. I'm dynamically generating a table in HTML and the values can be absolutely anything and I need to select a CSS class based on whether it's numeric. It's not a language issue. You're right that it shouldn't be preferred but, sometimes, it's the only way. We are grateful for reflection and runtime typing. Commented Jan 25, 2019 at 13:59

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