I have drawn a chart though devexpress winforms control. DateTime is in X axis and Y axis has few values. The data I provide does not contain axis data at regular intervals. For example it will have a data for today, 3 days after today , 1 year after today and so on - they are not equally placed. I want to highlight the data points for which data has been provided. I have made grid lines visible using:
((XYDiagram)chartControl1.Diagram).AxisX.GridLines.MinorVisible = true;
((XYDiagramchartControl1.Diagram).AxisY.GridLines.Visible = true;
((XYDiagram)chartControl1.Diagram).AxisY.GridLines.MinorVisible = true;
But this draws grid lines at equal intervals and spacings. How can I specifically highlight the data points I have given...