I have drawn a chart though devexpress winforms control. DateTime is in X axis and Y axis has few values. The data I provide does not contain axis data at regular intervals. For example it will have a data for today, 3 days after today , 1 year after today and so on - they are not equally placed. I want to highlight the data points for which data has been provided. I have made grid lines visible using:

((XYDiagram)chartControl1.Diagram).AxisX.GridLines.MinorVisible = true;
((XYDiagramchartControl1.Diagram).AxisY.GridLines.Visible = true;
((XYDiagram)chartControl1.Diagram).AxisY.GridLines.MinorVisible = true;

But this draws grid lines at equal intervals and spacings. How can I specifically highlight the data points I have given...

  • Please clarify, are you trying to highlight the grid lines or the data points?
    – E.T.
    Commented Aug 5, 2013 at 12:59
  • Gridlines for the data point I have given. For example if I have provided today's data with a value 50 there should be a gridline drawn from that point to both axes. The point where the two gridlines meet the X and Y axis should be marked in the axes( just as any other grid line). Commented Aug 7, 2013 at 7:37

1 Answer 1


I hope I understand you correctly :)

You can use the Constant Lines!

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Series series1 = new Series("Series 1", ViewType.Point);
        series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(1, 50));
        series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(2, 150));
        series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(4, 20));
        series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(7, 210));
        series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(12, 70));

        XYDiagram diagram = chartControl1.Diagram as XYDiagram;
        foreach (SeriesPoint item in series1.Points)
            DrawConstantLines(diagram, int.Parse(item.Argument), diagram.AxisX);
            DrawConstantLines(diagram, (int)item.Values[0], diagram.AxisY);

    private void DrawConstantLines(XYDiagram diagram, int value, Axis axis)
        ConstantLine constantLine1 = new ConstantLine();
        constantLine1.AxisValue = value;
  • This does not show up like grid lines. the point where the constant line meets X axis and Y axis are not displayed as with the grid lines. Is there a way to add them too? Commented Aug 7, 2013 at 11:41
  • Those points are not displayed for each grid line. How about just using labels instead?
    – E.T.
    Commented Aug 7, 2013 at 12:35
  • series1.LabelsVisibility = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.True; series1.Label.PointOptions.PointView = PointView.ArgumentAndValues;
    – E.T.
    Commented Aug 7, 2013 at 12:37
  • @user2645830 You can also add a caption to the line :)
    – E.T.
    Commented Aug 7, 2013 at 13:58

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