There are two question mixed up here. One is how to find a change point on a curve, and the other is about how to quantify the quality of fit when using k-means to classify data. However, the cluster-analysis folks seem to lump these two questions together. Don't be afraid of looking into other curve-fit / change point methods using whichever fit metric seems most appropriate to your case.
I know the 'elbow' method your linked to is a specific method, but you might be interested in something similar that looks for the 'knee' in the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). The kink in BIC versus the number of clusters (k) is the point at which you can argue that increasing BIC by adding more clusters is no longer beneficial, given the extra computational requirements of the more complex solution. There is a nice method that detects the optmimum number of clusters from the change in sign of the second derivative of the BIC. See e.g.
Zhao, Q., V. Hautamaki, and P. Franti 2008a: Knee point detection in BIC for detecting the number of clusters. Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, J. Blanc-Talon, S. Bourennane, W. Philips, D. Popescu, and P. Scheunders, Eds., Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5259, 664–673, doi:10.1007/978-3-540-88458-3 60.
Zhao, Q., M. Xu, and P. Franti, 2008b: Knee point detection on bayesian information criterion. Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2008. ICTAI ’08. 20th IEEE Inter- national Conference on, Vol. 2, 431 –438, doi:10.1109/ ICTAI.2008.154
You might be interested in an automated application of this to weather data, reported in
See also Finding the best trade-off point on a curve for an excellent discussion of the general approach.
One final observation: make sure that you are consistent in your logarithms. Different communities use different notation, and this can be a source of error when comparing results.