I've recently just upgraded to the new version of AdMob (the previous version is referred to as Legacy AdMob).
I imported my information from the Legacy AdMob to the upgraded version. I'm now unsure of how to add a new ad unit.
I have two (2) ads. One is a main screen ad (ad 1) and the other is on a different screen (ad 2). Ad 1 was created under Legacy AdMob. It has a Legacy Publisher ID and a Legacy Mediation ID under it. I recently created ad 2. It ONLY specifies an 'Ad unit ID'.
Of course, the Developer's resources from Google have not yet been updated (https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/docs/admob/fundamentals?hl=en_US#xml).
My questions are: 1. Do I continue using the Legacy AdMob PUBLISHER ID for ad 1? 2. For Ad 2 do I use my NEW Publisher ID (I noticed AdMob gave me a new publisher ID when switched over from Legacy)?
Basically, now that I'm using the upgraded version of AdMob (switched over from Legacy AdMob; old AdMob), which ID* do I use to ensure I receive my income?
*The new IDs under the new/upgraded AdMob are also much longer and begin with things like:
Do I include the prefix as noticed above?