I'm working on a project that uses a canvas to automatically crop an image, then return its data URL. It uses images from an external server, which has the appropriate CORS headers to allow the images to be converted to data URIs after they are cropped even though they are cross-origin.
The code works perfectly (and without security errors!) in all browsers except IE 10, in which it throws 'SCRIPT5022: SecurityError' when canvas.toDataURL() is called.
Is this a bug in IE or something I need to do differently in my code to make it work in Idiot Exploder? Thanks. -Scott
EDIT Here is (most of) the code I'm using to create and draw the canvas;
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var img = new Image();
img.src = imageServerURL + '?id=' + imageIdToGet; // imageServerURL points to a different domain but the server has headers allowing requests from my domain
code here that defines the cropping area, in variables like ulX, lrY, etc.
ctx.moveTo(ulX, ulY);
ctx.lineTo(urX, urY);
ctx.lineTo(lrX, lrY);
ctx.lineTo(llX, llY);
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
var url = canvas.toDataURL(); // This succeeds in all other browsers but throws a SecurityError in IE