At first, some meta noise
There is a dangerously wrong advice in two highly upvoted answers here.
I commented, but since I have lost many days with this, please MIND:
Do not echo the private key into a file (meaning: echo "$ssh_prv_key" > /root/.ssh/id_ed25519
). This will destroy the needed line format, at least in my case.
or ADD
instead. See Docker Load key “/root/.ssh/id_rsa”: invalid format for details.
This was also confirmed by another user:
I get Error loading key "/root/.ssh/id_ed25519": invalid format. Echo will
remove newlines/tack on double quotes for me. Is this only for ubuntu
or is there something different for alpine:3.10.3?
1. A working way that keeps the private key in the image (not so good!)
If the private key is stored in the image, you need to pay attention that you delete the public key from the git website, or that you do not publish the image. If you take care of this, this is secure. See below (2.) for a better way where you could also "forget to pay attention".
The Dockerfile looks as follows:
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git
RUN mkdir -p /root/.ssh && chmod 700 /root/.ssh
COPY /.ssh/id_ed25519 /root/.ssh/id_ed25519
RUN chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_ed25519 && \
apt-get -yqq install openssh-client && \
ssh-keyscan -t ed25519 -H >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts
RUN git clone [email protected]:GITLAB_USERNAME/test.git
RUN rm -r /root/.ssh
2. A working way that does not keep the private key in the image (good!)
The following is the more secure way of the same thing, using "multi stage build" instead.
If you need an image that has the git repo directory without the private key stored in one of its layers, you need two images, and you only use the second in the end. That means, you need FROM
two times, and you can then copy only the git repo directory from the first to the second image, see the official guide "Use multi-stage builds".
We use "alpine" as the smallest possible base image which uses apk
instead of apt-get
; you can also use apt-get
with the above code instead using FROM ubuntu:latest
The Dockerfile looks as follows:
# first image only to download the git repo
RUN apk add --no-cache git
RUN mkdir -p /root/.ssh && chmod 700 /root/.ssh
COPY /.ssh/id_ed25519 /root/.ssh/id_ed25519
RUN chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_ed25519
RUN apk -yqq add --no-cache openssh-client && ssh-keyscan -t ed25519 -H >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts
RUN git clone [email protected]:GITLAB_USERNAME/test.git
RUN rm -r /root/.ssh
# Start of the second image
We see here that FROM
is just a namespace, it is like a header for the lines below it and can be addressed with an alias. Without an alias, --from=0
would be the first image (=FROM
You could now publish or share the second image, as the private key is not in its layers, and you would not necessarily need to remove the public key from the git website after one usage! Thus, you do not need to create a new key pair at every cloning of the repo. Of course, be aware that a passwordless private key is still insecure if someone might get a hand on your data in another way. If you are not sure about this, better remove the public key from the server after usage, and have a new key pair at every run.
A guide how to build the image from the Dockerfile
Install Docker Desktop; or use docker inside WSL2 or Linux in a VirtualBox; or use docker in a standalone Linux partition / hard drive.
Open a command prompt (PowerShell, terminal, ...).
Go to the directory of the Dockerfile.
Create a subfolder ".ssh/".
For security reasons, create a new public and private SSH key pair - even if you already have another one lying around - for each Dockerfile run. In the command prompt, in your Dockerfile's folder, enter (mind, this overwrites without asking):
Write-Output "y" | ssh-keygen -q -t ed25519 -f ./.ssh/id_ed25519 -N '""'
(if you use PowerShell) or
echo "y" | ssh-keygen -q -t ed25519 -f ./.ssh/id_ed25519 -N ''
(if you do not use PowerShell).
Your key pair will now be in the subfolder .ssh/. It is up to you whether you use that subfolder at all, you can also change the code to COPY id_ed25519 /root/.ssh/id_ed25519
; then your private key needs to be in the Dockerfile's directory that you are in.
Open the public key in an editor, copy the content and publish it to your server (e.g. GitHub / GitLab --> profile --> SSH keys). You can choose whatever name and end date. The final readable comment of the public key string (normally your computer name if you did not add a -C
comment in the parameters of ssh-keygen
) is not important, just leave it there.
Start (Do not forget the "." at the end which is the build context):
docker build -t test .
Only for 1.):
After the run, remove the public key from the server (most important, and at best at once). The script removes the private key from the image, and you may also remove the private key from your local computer, since you should never use the key pair again. The reason: someone could get the private key from the image even if it was removed from the image. Quoting a user's comment:
If anyone gets a hold of your
image, they can retrieve the key... even if you delete that file in a
later layer, b/c they can go back to Step 7 when you added it
The attacker could wait with this private key until you use the key pair again.
Only for 2.):
- After the run, since the second image is the only image remaining after a build, we do not necessarily need to remove the key pair from client and host. We still have a small risk that the passwordless private key is taken from a local computer somewhere. That is why you may still remove the public key from the git server. You may also remove any stored private keys. But it is probably not needed in many projects where the main aim is rather to automate building the image, and less the security.
At last, some more meta noise
As to the dangerously wrong advice in the two highly upvoted answers here that use the problematic echo-of-the-private-key approach, here are the votes at the time of writing:
We see here that something must be wrong in the answers, as the top 1 answer votes are not at least on the level of the question votes.
There was just one small and unvoted comment at the end of the comment list of the top 1 answer naming the same echo-of-the-private-key problem (which is also quoted in this answer). And: that critical comment was made three years after the answer.
I have upvoted the top 1 answer myself. I only realised later that it would not work for me. Thus, swarm intelligence is working, but on a low flame? If anyone can explain to me why echoing the private key might work for others, but not for me, please comment. Else, 326k views (minus 2 comments ;) ) would have overseen or left aside the error of the top 1 answer. I would not write such a long text here if that echo-of-the-private-key code line would not have cost me many working days, with absolutely frustrating code picking from everything on the net.
, which is considered safe (as Josh Habdas says above, choose wisely). I had real difficulties to make it work on Ubuntu 20.04, mainly because of the fact that debugging docker is difficult (see Debugging Docker build) but also because of AppArmor and the name of the key which by default has to beid_rsa