I have an error in my regex, that somebody wrote for me. I've tried to write my own regex but this is just to hard for me to crack.

I have a custom "tag" like {module:agenda:getlist:params(2)} But.. if I only have 1 param the regex doesn't see the 2 but gets the wrong code.

This is my regex code

$paramcount = preg_match_all('{
        # [^,]+ everything that isn't a comma
        # (?<=...) is a look behind. Meaning that the part that has the 3 dots 
        # becomes matched but not goes through the rest of the regex

        # matches "null" in "params(null"

        | # this is the separation dash

        # (?=...) is a look ahead, same as the look behind but than on the end

        # matches "null" in " null)"
        (?<= )[^,]+(?=\))


        # matches "true" in ", true" and ""foo"" in ", "foo""
        (?<=, )[^,]+
    }x', $data, $parammatches);

So when I try to match it.. the outcome is:

$array = array
        [0] => params(2

This is not what i want, i only want the 2 to be matched not the rest. When i give it more params like this "params(null, 2)" everything works out and i have 2 nice array values.

Can somebody guide me or help me out here.

EDIT: More output can be found on pastebin. http://pastebin.com/x0WL9K4u

  • What is it exactly that you want ? Extract all parameters passed to the param between parentheses and put them in the array ? Commented Aug 10, 2013 at 21:39
  • Yes that i what i want. Actually i want to get everything between the hooks "params(i-want-these-values)"
    – Rickerd
    Commented Aug 10, 2013 at 21:39
  • Can you please post more sample input ? Commented Aug 10, 2013 at 21:59
  • More output can be found on pastebin. pastebin.com/x0WL9K4u
    – Rickerd
    Commented Aug 10, 2013 at 22:26

1 Answer 1


Somebody answerd my question. He wrote an update for my regex problem

$str = 'params(null, true, "Foo", null)';

# [^,]+ betekend alles wat geen komma is
# (?<=...) is een look behind. Dit betekend dat het gedeelte op de 3 puntjes
# gematched moet worden voor de rest van de regex, maar dat hij niet meegenomen
# wordt in de match

# matches "null" in "params(null"

| # dit is het scheidingsteken

# (?=...) is een look ahead, zelfde als look behind maar dan voor erachter

# matches "null" in " null)"
(?<= )[^,]+(?=\))


# matches "true" in ", true" and ""foo"" in ", "foo""
(?<=, )[^,]+
}x', $str, $matches);

$params = $matches[0];

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