I was using the accepted solution for years and I've been wrong all this time. If I can find this solution in 2022, others too, so please change the accepted solution to the one from @e1v who was right all this time.
echo trim('Au delà', ' '.chr(0xC2).chr(0xA0));
As it corrupts the UTF-8 encoding:
Au del�
Note that a "modern" (PHP 7) way to write this could be:
echo trim('Au delà', " \u{a0}");//This is WRONG, don't do it!
Personally, when I have to deal with non breakable spaces (Unicode 00A0, UTF8 C2A0) in strings, I replace the trailing/ending ones by regular spaces (Unicode 0020, UTF8 20), and then trim the string. Like this:
echo trim(preg_replace('/^\s+|\s+$/u', ' ', "Au delà\u{a0}"));
(I would have post a comment or just vote the answer up, but I can't).