I have a bootstrapped extension for Firefox.
And now I want to implement nsIContentPolicy XPCOM component.
I wrote a component module code.
And now I want to register this component.
The reason I want to register component is that I want to add my component to nsICategoryManager.addCategoryEntry
with "content-policy" category.
var {Cc, Ci, Cu} = require("chrome");
//console.error("Running interceptor");
function Interceptor()
Interceptor.prototype = {
classDescription: "DeferredTo HTTP requests Interceptor",
classID: "{B5B3D9A0-08FC-11E3-8253-5EF06188709B}",
contractID: "@deferredto.com/Interceptor;1",
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIContentPolicy]),
shouldLoad : function dt_shouldLoad(aContentType, aContentLocation, aRequestOrigin, aContext, aMimeTypeGuess, aExtra) {
if (contentLocation.scheme != "http" && contentLocation.scheme != "https")
return Ci.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT;
let result = Ci.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT;
// we should check for TYPE_SUBDOCUMENT as well if we want frames.
if ((Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_DOCUMENT == aContentType) &&
SOME_REGULAR_EXPRESSION.test(aContentLocation.spec)) {
// do stuff here, possibly changing result.
return result;
shouldProcess: function ILO_shouldProcess() Ci.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT,
_xpcom_categories: [
{ category: "content-policy", service: true }
classInfo: XPCOMUtils.generateCI(
{classID: Components.ID("{B5B3D9A0-08FC-11E3-8253-5EF06188709B}"),
contractID: "@deferredto.com/Interceptor;1",
classDescription: "Interceptor implements nsIContentPolicy to block images that are not yet at screen @DeferredTo",
interfaces: [
flags: Ci.nsIClassInfo.SINGLETON})
var components = [Interceptor];
var NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([Interceptor]);
- Is it possible to register the component from bootstrapped extension?
- Is it possible to register the component from restartless extension?
- Is it possible to use nsICategoryManager.addCategoryEntry "content-policy" without component?
- How to register the component in bootstrapped extension or somehow add new "content-policy" category entry?
I've added to harness-options.js
"requirements": {
"sdk/page-mod": "sdk/page-mod",
"sdk/self": "sdk/self",
"chrome": "chrome"},
That is how I try to import module:
var {Cc, Ci, Cu} = require("chrome");
I' ve tried many paths ))) But none works. resource entry in chrome.manifest file does not allowed for bootstrapped extensions. The path to component module file is: