I have tried easy_install install openpyxl
and python setup install
. Both failed. I also tried easy_install openpyxl
and failed again. I include the output I get.
When I try easy_install install openpyxl
, I get the following output:
Searching for install
Reading https://pypi.python.org/simple/install/
Download error on https://pypi.python.org/simple/install/: timed out -- Some pac
kages may not be found!
Couldn't find index page for 'install' (maybe misspelled?)
Scanning index of all packages (this may take a while)
Reading https://pypi.python.org/simple/
Download error on https://pypi.python.org/simple/: timed out -- Some packages ma
y not be found!
No local packages or download links found for install
error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('install')
When I try When I try easy_install openpyxl
instead, I get the same output but with the word 'openpyxl' instead of 'install'.
When I try python setup install
, I get the following output:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "setup.py", line 23, in <module>
import openpyxl # to fetch __version__ etc
File "D:\Python\Excel\ericgazoni-openpyxl-22d4b2135553\openpyxl\__init__.py",
line 32, in <module>
from openpyxl import workbook
File "D:\Python\Excel\ericgazoni-openpyxl-22d4b2135553\openpyxl\workbook.py",
line 37, in <module>
from openpyxl.writer.dump_worksheet import DumpWorksheet, save_dump
File "D:\Python\Excel\ericgazoni-openpyxl-22d4b2135553\openpyxl\writer\__init_
_.py", line 29, in <module>
from openpyxl.writer import excel
File "D:\Python\Excel\ericgazoni-openpyxl-22d4b2135553\openpyxl\writer\excel.p
y", line 50, in <module>
from openpyxl.writer.charts import ChartWriter
File "D:\Python\Excel\ericgazoni-openpyxl-22d4b2135553\openpyxl\writer\charts.
py", line 27, in <module>
from openpyxl.chart import Chart, ErrorBar
File "D:\Python\Excel\ericgazoni-openpyxl-22d4b2135553\openpyxl\chart.py", lin
e 132, in <module>
class Serie(object):
File "D:\Python\Excel\ericgazoni-openpyxl-22d4b2135553\openpyxl\chart.py", lin
e 150, in Serie
AttributeError: 'property' object has no attribute 'setter'
Any suggestions?