I'm trying to import a large csv file wiht 27797 rows into MySQL. Here is my code:
load data local infile 'foo.csv' into table bar fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '"' lines terminated by '\n' ignore 1 lines;
It works fine. However, some rows of this file containing backslashes (\
), for example:
"40395383771234304","40393156566585344","84996340","","","2011-02-23 12:59:44 +0000","引力波宇宙广播系统零号控制站","@woiu 太好了" "40395151830421504","40392270645563392","23063222","","","2011-02-23 12:58:49 +0000","引力波宇宙广播系统零号控制站","@wx0 确切地讲安全电压是\""不高于36V\""而不是\""36V\"", 呵呵. 话说要如何才能测它的电压呢?" "40391869477158912","40390512645124096","23063222","","","2011-02-23 12:45:46 +0000","引力波宇宙广播系统零号控制站","@wx0 这是别人的测量结果, 我没验证过. 不过麻麻的感觉的确是存在的, 而且用适配器充电时麻感比用电脑的前置USB接口充电高" "15637769883","15637418359","35192559","","","2010-06-07 15:44:15 +0000","强互作用力宇宙探测器","@Hc95 那就不是DOS程序啦,只是个命令行程序,就像Android里的adb.exe。$ adb push d:\hc95.tar.gz /tmp/ $ adb pull /system/hc95/eyes d:\re\"
After importing, lines with backslashes will be broken.
How could I fix it? Should I use sed
or awk
to substitute all \
with \
(within 27797 rows...)? Or this can be fixed by just modifying the SQL query?