I need to run a script with PowerShell -Command "& scriptname", and I would really like it if the exit code I got back from PowerShell was the same as the exit code the script itself returned. Unfortunately, PowerShell returns 0 if the script returns 0, and 1 if the script returns any non-zero value as illustrated below:

PS C:\test> cat foo.ps1
exit 42
PS C:\test> ./foo.ps1
PS C:\test> echo $lastexitcode
PS C:\test> powershell -Command "exit 42"
PS C:\test> echo $lastexitcode
PS C:\test> powershell -Command "& ./foo.ps1"
PS C:\test> echo $lastexitcode
PS C:\test>

Using [Environment]::Exit(42) almost works:

PS C:\test> cat .\baz.ps1
PS C:\test> powershell -Command "& ./baz.ps1"
PS C:\test> echo $lastexitcode
PS C:\test>

Except that when the script is run interactively, it exits the whole shell. Any suggestions?

  • 4
    I think you want to exit with exit $lastexitcode in your -command script Commented Aug 23, 2013 at 20:33

3 Answers 3


If you look at the part you are sending to -Command as a script you will see it would never work. The script running the foo.ps1 script does not have a call to exit, so it does not return an exit code.

If you do return an exit code it will do what you want. Also change it from " to ', otherwise $lastexitcode will be resolved before you 'send' the string to the second PowerShell, if you run it from PowerShell.

PS C:\test> powershell -Command './foo.ps1; exit $LASTEXITCODE'
PS C:\test> echo $lastexitcode

PS: Also check out the -File parameter if you just want to run a script. But also know it does not return 1 if you have a terminating error as -Command does. See here for more on that last topic.

PS C:\test> powershell -File './foo.ps1'
PS C:\test> echo $lastexitcode
  • Thank you for your help! This nearly solves my problem. This solution works on the command line, which was how the problem was originally posed, so I'll accept the answer. Unfortunately, I'm actually firing off a powershell processs from a java process using Runtime.exec, and no matter how I quote it, I'm getting an exit code of zero. I've also tried escaping the $ on $lastexitcode with a backtick (`), and that doesn't work either.
    – ediven
    Commented Aug 26, 2013 at 18:47
  • Thanks. Have you tried using -File instead of -Command like in my second example? Commented Aug 26, 2013 at 20:08
  • Using -File won't work without some other surgery because we use the same code to kick off non-powershell processes. It looks like the quoting is getting mangled by the Java code which tries to automatically quote things as needed. I think it should work once I sort that out. Thanks again!
    – ediven
    Commented Aug 28, 2013 at 19:14

CAVEAT: If your PowerShell script returns exitcodes HIGHER THAN 65535, they roll over:

$exitCode = 65536
Exit $exitCode

If the following CMD calls this PS1 script above, your will get an %errorlevel% of 0

Powershell.exe "& 'MyPowershellScript.ps1' "; exit $LASTEXITCODE

and an exitcode of 65537 would give you an %errorlevel% of 1, etc.

Meanwhile, if a CMD calls another and the child script returns an errorlevel higher than 65535, it passes through just fine.

Cmd /c exit 86666

The CMD Will return an %errorlevel% of 86666 as expected.

CAVEAT to all of this: Now this is happening on and off for no apparent reason.


How are you calling your script interactively?

I have tried this and it seems to work OK, but I call it from DOS prompt, not within PowerShell

C:\Temp>type foo.ps1
exit 42

C:\Temp>powershell -noprofile -nologo -noninteractive -executionpolicy Bypass -file .\foo.ps1

C:\Temp>echo %errorlevel%

  • 1
    It works because you use -File instead of -Command as in the question Commented Aug 24, 2013 at 13:36

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