I want to use simple copying and concatenation in my Meteor application. But I faced the problem when Meteor runs all javascript files both on server and client whereas I don't want them to be run anywhere. It's either just config file like Gruntfile.js or partial JS files which I want to process somehow and then put inside client folder.
Now, with Gruntfile.js file in the root of application I have this error when trying to launch meteor application:
W20130826-14:44:39.921(3)? (STDERR) /home/../../.meteor/local/build/programs/server/boot.js:184
W20130826-14:44:40.062(3)? (STDERR) }).run();
W20130826-14:44:40.062(3)? (STDERR) ^
W20130826-14:44:40.062(3)? (STDERR) ReferenceError: module is not defined
I know that I can say to Meteor to ignore file or folder by adding period at the beginning of the filename, and it's working with .Gruntfile.js filename, but of course Grunt does not work in such case. So how can I make them work together? How can I say to Meteor to ignore any file or folder without renaming it?