I tried with
#:PEP8 -E223
# pep8: disable=E223
I thought the second would work but doesn't seems to work.
Do you have an idea how I can handle this ?
As far as I know, you can't. You can disable errors or warnings user wide, or per project. See the documentation.
Instead, you can use the # noqa
comment at the end of a line, to skip that particular line (see patch 136). Of course, that would skip all PEP8 errors.
The main author argues against source file noise, so they suggested # pep8
comments don't get included.
Note that there is also nopep8
, which is the equivalent. noqa
(which stands for No Quality Assurance was added in version 1.4.1 to support people running pyflakes
next to pep8
Try putting # nopep8
at the end of the line (after two spaces). So if the line of code is:
h=1+2+3+4+5+6+func( "hello","world")
then to ignore the copious pep8 errors for that line it becomes:
h=1+2+3+4+5+6+func( "hello","world") # nopep8
# nopep8: E501
May 17, 2022 at 7:07
Let me add something that was probably introduced after all the previous answers were posted.
If you use Flake8, you can ignore a specific violation raised in a specific line, by adding
# noqa: F401
at the end of the line, where F401
here is an example of an error code. For a list of all violations code, see http://flake8.pycqa.org/en/3.5.0/user/error-codes.html and https://pycodestyle.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro.html#error-codes
You can also ignore all violations in an entire file by adding
# flake8: noqa
anywhere in the file.
Reference: http://flake8.pycqa.org/en/3.5.0/user/violations.html
You can use --ignore
flag to disable the error you mentioned above
pep8 --ignore=E223 file_name.py
for multiple errors
pep8 --ignore=E223,E501 file_name.py
For more in depth knowledge of other flags you can scan through http://pep8.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html
You can do that using Flake8 together with https://github.com/jayvdb/flake8-putty
is definitely the best approach overall - cause it allows a much more granular control which things to disable for what files.
If you use Flake8 3.7.0+, you can ignore specific warnings for entire files using the --per-file-ignores
Command-line usage:
flake8 --per-file-ignores='project/__init__.py:F401,F403 setup.py:E121'
This can also be specified in a config file:
per-file-ignores =
__init__.py: F401,F403
setup.py: E121
other/*: W9
You can do that with, for example, your setup configuration file (setup.cfg
pep8ignore =
*.py E501 W503
api.py E402 <=============== HERE
doc/* ALL
pep8maxlinelength = 120
flakes-ignore =
filterwarnings =
I am using "autopep8" and the mentioned answers didn't work for it. Instead, I had to do this to disable formatting for a specific line:
# autopep8: off
def hello(action, feature):
# autopep8: on
It is possible to disable autopep8 untill it it turned back on again in the file, using autopep8: off and then renabling autopep8: on.
In the IDE of LiClipse, you can add --ignore=E501
in Code Analysis from Preference.
If anyone uses Eclipse like IDE, this is the convenient way to do it.