Both seem to be doing the same thing, i.e. calculating f(g(h(x))), when called like this async.compose(f, g, h) or _.compose(f, g, h).

Is there any difference between the two calls ?

2 Answers 2


As its name implies, async.compose composes asynchronous functions.

It gets the result via callback parameter, not return value.

  • So which of these is the preferred one and under which scenarios ? Aug 26, 2013 at 17:39
  • 1
    @ChintanPathak: You need to understand what async means.
    – SLaks
    Aug 26, 2013 at 17:53

I faced same situation where I needed one function I got from some lib to use the return value from async.compose() call. So I did wonder: How can one get the return value from async.compose()?
If you write:

var gotFromAsyncCompose = async.compose(
  function(gotParam, callback) {
    callback(null, 'hi ' + gotParam + '!';
  function(name, callback) {
    callback(null, name.toUpperCase());
var returnValue = gotFromAsyncCompose('moe', function(err, result){
  return result;

You'll get undefined as the value of returnValue.
So, async.compose() always return undefined as return value even if the last executed statement is return 'A';. You'll still get undefined!

When it comes to _.compose(), I tried the same:

var w = _.compose(
    return 'hi '+name;
    return got.toUpperCase() +'!';
var returnValue = w('moe');

This time, you get 'hi MOE!' as expected as the value of returnValue. You don't get undefined like the behaviour of async.compose().

I didn't wrote any of these compose functions, but it seems that the difference between the two seems to be that async.compose() won't return any value whereas _.compose() will return the value you pass to return within the last executed function.
But, there is another difference: _.compose() doesn't take care of any asynchronous call you make inside your functions. You have to write only synchronous code within all the functions that comprise your _.compose().

The four main differences I can see as of April 28th 2014 are:

  • async.compose() does not return a value
  • async.compose() does take care of asynchronous calls within functions
  • _.compose() does return a value
  • _.compose() does not take care of asynchronous calls within functions

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