My lookup script on GitHub
Parameters Explaination:
-"Search_Key" - Can be be a string, array, or regex to lookup multiple things at once
-"RefSheetRange" - The Reference source of information. Can be local sheet reference and range or an array of data from a variable.
-"SearchKey_RefMatch_IndexOffSet" - What column of information you are referencing of 'Search_Key' to 'RefSheetRange' data.
-"IndexOffSetForReturn" - Once a 'Search_Key' match has been found what columns of data will be returned from 'RefSheetRange'.
-"SetSheetRange" - Where are you going to put the chosen information from 'RefSheetRange' that matched 'Search_Key' OR you can use 'return' and when the function finishes it will return so you can output the function to a variable.
-"ReturnMultiResults" - If 'Y' Say you 'Search_Key' is 'NW' and you want to find every store in a chain that falls under the northwest in your dataset. So declaring 'Y' wont stop after it finds the first match it will keep searching throught the rest of the data.
-"Add_Note" - If 'Y' you are setting the results to a spreadsheet and not returning it to memory then it will set the first cell in the 'SetSheetRange' with a note of what and when.
-"Has_NAs" - If 'Y' it will put in '#N/A' the column where it did not find data for 'Search_Key' other wise it will leave the column blank.