I ran into an unexpected problem when trying to convert multiple columns of a data table into factor columns. I've reproduced it as follows:

tst <- data.table('a' = c('b','b','c','c'))
tst[,as.factor(a)]  #Returns expected result
tst[,as.factor('a'),with=FALSE] #Returns error

The latter command returns 'Error in Math.factor(j) : abs not meaningful for factors'. I found this when attempting to get tst[,lapply(cols, as.factor),with=FALSE] where cols was a collection of rows I was attempting to convert to factors. Is there any solution or workaround for this?


2 Answers 2


I found one solution:

tst <- data.table('a' = c('b','b','c','c'))
cols <- 'a'
tst[,(cols):=lapply(.SD, as.factor),.SDcols=cols]

Still, the earlier-mentioned behavior seems buggy.

  • You were trying to index the data.table with a factor - factors are neither characters nor numerics (they are categorical values with no clear magnitude), so data.table spits an error. Commented Aug 30, 2013 at 6:32
  • 1
    Also tst[,as.factor(a)] is just returning as.factor(tst$a) and is not indexing the data.table at all. Try tst[,1:5] to see what I mean. Commented Aug 30, 2013 at 6:33
  • 1
    you can try tst[, a := as.factor(a)] if you've just one column or do what you've shown or also use set within a for-loop over each of the columns.
    – Arun
    Commented Aug 30, 2013 at 6:41
  • 1
    Your error is because, you use with=FALSE and there are only a few possibilities for j. And data.table figures it out by checking if j is logical or character etc... and then comes to checking if they are column numbers.. and therefore checks if (abs(j) > ncol(.)) where j is factor(a). Here you call abs on a factor...
    – Arun
    Commented Aug 30, 2013 at 6:42
  • 1
    @tresbot, have a look at ?set
    – Arun
    Commented Sep 2, 2013 at 19:52

This is now fixed in v1.8.11, but probably not in the way you'd hoped for. From NEWS:

FR #4867 is now implemented. DT[, as.factor('x'), with=FALSE] where x is a column in DT, is now equivalent to DT[, "x", with=FALSE] instead of ending up with an error. Thanks to tresbot for reporting on SO: Converting multiple data.table columns to factors in R

Some explanation: The difference, when with=FALSE is used, is that the columns of the data.table aren't seen as variables anymore. That is:

tst[, as.factor(a), with=FALSE] # would give "a" not found!

would result in an error "a" not found. But what you do instead is:

tst[, as.factor('a'), with=FALSE]

You're in fact creating a factor "a" with level="a" and asking to subset that column. This doesn't really make much sense. Take the case of data.frames:

DF <- data.frame(x=1:5, y=6:10)
DF[, c("x", "y")] # gives back DF

DF[, factor(c("x", "y"))] # gives back DF again, not factor columns
DF[, factor(c("x", "x"))] # gives back two columns of "x", still integer, not factor!

So, basically, what you're applying a factor on, when you use with=FALSE is not on the elements of that column, but just that column name... I hope I've managed to convey the difference well. Feel free to edit/comment if there are any confusions.

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