My understanding:
- A dependency is when an instance of ClassA requires an instance of ClassB to instantiate a new instance of ClassA.
- A dependency injection is when ClassA is passed an instance of ClassB, either through a parameter in ClassA's constructor or through a set~DependencyNameHere~(~DependencyNameHere~ $param) function. (This is one of the areas I'm not completely certain on).
- An IoC container is a singleton Class(can only have 1 instance instantiated at any given time) where the specific way of instantiating objects of those class for this project can be registered. Here's a link to an example of what I'm trying to describe along with the class definition for the IoC container I've been using
So at this point is where I start trying use the IoC container for more complicated scenarios. As of now it seems in order to use the IoC container, I am limited to a has-a relationship for pretty much any class I want to create that has dependencies it wants to define in the IoC container. What if I want to create a class that inherits a class, but only if the parent class has been created in a specific way it was registered in the IoC container.
So for example: I want to create a child class of mysqli, but I want to register this class in the IoC container to only instantiate with the parent class constructed in a way I've previously registered in the IoC container. I cannot think of a way to do this without duplicating code (and since this is a learning project I'm trying to keep it as 'pure' as possible). Here are some more examples of what I am trying to describe.
So here are some of my questions:
- Is what I'm trying to do above possible without breaking some principle of OOP? I know in c++ I could use dynamic memory and a copy constructor to accomplish it, but I haven't been able to find that sort of functionality in php. (I will admit that I have very little experience using any of the other magic methods besides __construct, but from reading and __clone if I understood correctly, I couldn't use in the constructor it to make the child class being instantiated a clone of an instance of the parent class).
- Where should all my dependency class definitions go in relation to the IoC? (Should my IoC.php just have a bunch of require_once('dependencyClassDefinition.php') at the top? My gut reaction is that there is a better way, but I haven't come up with one yet)
- What file should I be registering my objects in? Currently doing all the calls to IoC::register() in the IoC.php file after the class definition.
- Do I need to register a dependency in the IoC before I register a class that needs that dependency? Since I'm not invoking the anonymous function until I actually instantiate an object registered in the IoC, I'm guessing not, but its still a concern.
- Is there anything else I'm overlooking that I should be doing or using? I'm trying to take it one step at a time, but I also don't want to know that my code will be reusable and, most importantly, that somebody who knows nothing about my project can read it and understand it.