For testing purposes I created a little unordered_set and tried to iterate over the set. The set holds an own class:
class Student {
int matrNr;
string name;
Student( const int& matrNr = 0, const string& name = "" )
: matrNr( matrNr ), name( name ) {}
void setNr( const int& matrNr ) {
this->matrNr = matrNr;
I inserted some elements and tried to change the objects during iteration:
unordered_set<Student, meinHash> meineHashTable;
meineHashTable.emplace( 12, "Fred" );
meineHashTable.emplace( 22, "Barney" );
meineHashTable.emplace( 33, "Wilma" );
for (int i = 0; i < meineHashTable.bucket_count(); i++) {
cout << "Bucketnummer: " << i << endl;
unordered_set<Student, meinHash>::local_iterator iter; // not constant?!?
if (meineHashTable.bucket_size( i ) > 0) {
for (iter = meineHashTable.begin( i ); iter != meineHashTable.end( i ); iter++) {
//const_cast<Student&>(*iter).setNr( 1234 ); //This does work
iter->setNr( 1234 ); //This does not work
else {
cout << "An empty Bucket" << endl;
I used a local_iterator (and not the const_local_iterator) but still I can't change the objects. For some reasons the iterator refers still to a constant object.
My question now: why is this so? If the normal iterator refers to a const object, what is the different between the const and the non-const iterator?
Tested with VisualStudio 2013 and minGW.
Thanks in advance for any help :-)
EDIT: The Hash functor:
struct meinHash {
size_t operator()( const Student& s ) {
return s.getNr();
For finders of this topic in the future who have the same question, here is some example output if you change the matrNr with violent:
const_cast<Student&>(*iter).setNr( 5 );
and try to display it:
unordered_set<Student, meinHash>::local_iterator iter = meineHashTable.find( 5 );
you may get something like:
Bucketnummer: 0
An empty Bucket
Bucketnummer: 1
Matrikelnummer: 5
Name: Wilma
Bucketnummer: 2
An empty Bucket
Bucketnummer: 3
An empty Bucket
Bucketnummer: 4
Matrikelnummer: 5
Name: Fred
Bucketnummer: 5
An empty Bucket
Bucketnummer: 6
Matrikelnummer: 5
Name: Barney
Bucketnummer: 7
An empty Bucket
//The not wanted output ;-)
Matrikelnummer: -842150451