What the following function will return? ok atom or Cmd?

function_test() ->
    Cmd = os:cmd("ls"),
    io:format("The result of ls is:~p~n", [Cmd]).

If it returns ok then how it should be rephrased to return Cmd while still using io:format?

  • 1
    Please be aware that printing a value and returning a value are two completely different things. Here you print the value of Cmd but you return the value returned by io:format which is ok.
    – rvirding
    Commented Sep 15, 2013 at 7:27

1 Answer 1


In Erlang the last expression in your function is returned, in your case that would be the result of io:format which is ok.

To return Cmd you can simply make it the last expression in your function:

function_test() ->
    Cmd = os:cmd("ls"),
    io:format("The result of ls is:~p~n", [Cmd]),

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