Like the question says, will I be able to submit iOS5/iOS6 apps to the App Store given that iOS7 is rolled out now? Or do I have to target iOS7 for my builds?

I understand that there is a great amount of UI changes, new features, not looking good, etc involved but I just want to know if it is still possible to submit old targets


2 Answers 2


Yes it is still possible to submit apps targeted at older versions, as long as they perform on iOS 7 as well.

There is also now an option for people using legacy versions of iOS to download app versions that are targeted for that version.

Nice article about that here: http://thenextweb.com/apple/2013/09/17/apple-begins-allowing-users-running-legacy-ios-builds-to-download-older-versions-of-apps/

  • WARNING: that option is valid only for existing customers of your app, so they can redownload the latest version which is compatible to their iOS. If a new version of your app is iOS7 only, you will not be able to get new users/customers using iOS6. Commented Feb 2, 2014 at 16:44
  • Indeed. A valid warning
    – Alec.
    Commented Dec 17, 2014 at 16:25

Your app is built to a specific SDK version, which is different from the deployment target. Apple typically require you to submit apps that have been built to the latest public SDK version, although I believe right now you can still submit apps built to iOS 6.

So you can target iOS 5/6 as you require - however, going forward your app will have to be built with the iOS 7 SDK.

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