I created multiple packages and want to compile and run them. I fiddled around with javac and java and learned about how packages should be named and how a project should be structured. I hope I got all right. But I fail at compilation and running the stuff. I know I could use an IDE for this, but I want to try it with the command-line tools just for curiousity. Here is how my project is organized:

  + src
    + net
      + chris
        + dojo
            - Program.java
          + datastructures
            - Queue.java
            - LinkedList.java
          + sorting
            - MergeSort.java
  + bin
    + net
      + chris
        + dojo
            - Program.class (should be here but missing because compilation fails)
          + datastructures
            - Queue.class
            - LinkedList.class
          + sorting
            - MergeSort.class

Compilation for the classes in the "datastructures" and "sorting" packages is working fine. Here are the commands I used. The folder structure in the "bin" folder is automatically created by the compiler.

javac -d bin src\net\chris\dojo\datastructures\*.java
javac -d bin src\net\chris\dojo\sorting\*.java

The problem is when I try to compile "Program.java" (thats the test class I run from the command-line) the compiler is throwing errors, because it cannot find the packages "net.chris.dojo.datastructures" and "net.chris.dojo.sorting". Here is the compilation command:

javac -d bin src\net\chris\dojo\Program.java

This is the output I get:

src\net\chris\dojo\Program.java:3: error: cannot find symbol
import net.chris.dojo.datastructures;
symbol:   class datastructures
location: package net.chris.dojo
src\net\chris\dojo\Program.java:4: error: cannot find symbol
import net.chris.dojo.sorting;
symbol:   class sorting
location: package net.chris.dojo
src\net\chris\dojo\Program.java:11: error: cannot find symbol
symbol:   variable MergeSort
location: class Program
src\net\chris\dojo\Program.java:12: error: cannot find symbol
            Queue queue = new Queue();
symbol:   class Queue
location: class Program
src\net\chris\dojo\Program.java:12: error: cannot find symbol
            Queue queue = new Queue();
symbol:   class Queue
location: class Program
src\net\chris\dojo\Program.java:13: error: cannot find symbol
            LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
symbol:   class LinkedList
location: class Program
src\net\chris\dojo\Program.java:13: error: cannot find symbol
            LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
symbol:   class LinkedList
location: class Program
7 errors

Thats the code of my class files:


package net.chris.dojo.datastructures;

public class Queue {


package net.chris.dojo.datastructures;

public class LinkedList {


package net.chris.dojo.sorting;

public class MergeSort {


package net.chris.dojo;

import net.chris.dojo.datastructures;
import net.chris.dojo.sorting;

public class Program {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] values = { 9, 4, 6, 2, 0, 3, 8, 1, 7, 5 };
        Queue queue = new Queue();
        LinkedList list = new LinkedList();


I would run it with this command:

java -cp bin net.chris.dojo.Program

I execute all commands in the root folder of the project. Thanks for your help.

  • Take a look at ANT (ant.apache.org). Command line is good, but handling classpath can be a bit of a pain. Btw change your imports and specify a class path on javac command line too.
    – BigMike
    Commented Sep 20, 2013 at 13:07
  • I mean change javac -d bin src\net\chris\dojo\Program.java into javac -d bin -cp bin src\net\chris\dojo\Program.java after you've compiled your packages.
    – BigMike
    Commented Sep 20, 2013 at 13:11
  • Thanks that worked! So everytime when I want to compile a class which is using classes from other packages I should include the -cp option to tell javac where those packages can be found? Commented Sep 20, 2013 at 17:09
  • @BigMike Can you post your comment as an answer so I can mark this question as answered? Commented Sep 20, 2013 at 17:16
  • Don't worry. As long as you solved your problem is just fine. But really take a look at ANT in order to script builds, will save you from lots of headaches later.
    – BigMike
    Commented Sep 23, 2013 at 7:29

2 Answers 2


The solution was to include the classpath when compiling. That way it can find the packages it depends on.

javac -d bin -cp bin src\net\chris\dojo\Program.java

Thanks @BigMike for the solution.


Try change this in your Program class

import net.chris.dojo.datastructures;
import net.chris.dojo.sorting;


import net.chris.dojo.datastructures.*;
import net.chris.dojo.sorting.*;

And when you compile your Program.java use following command

javac -d bin src\net\chris\dojo\Program.java -classpath bin
  • Did not change anything. I still get those 7 errors. I am coming from a C# background and thought this is like importing namespaces. If so, why the asterisk? Commented Sep 20, 2013 at 12:22
  • @urbaindepuce You can use .* when you want to import all classes and interfaces from specified package. You can import specific class like import net.chris.dojo.sorting.MergeSort, but you can't import package itself like you do in your code. See docs Commented Sep 20, 2013 at 12:44

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