I am using es6 classes, and I ended up with several complex objects on my top state and was trying to make my main component more modular, so i created a simple class wrapper to keep the state on the top component but allow for more local logic.
The wrapper class takes a function as its constructor that sets a property on the main component state.
export default class StateWrapper {
constructor(setState, initialProps = []) {
this.setState = props => {
this.state = {...this.state, ...props}
this.props = initialProps
render() {
return(<div>render() not defined</div>)
component = props => {
this.props = {...this.props, ...props}
return this.render()
Then for each complex property on the top state, i create one StateWrapped class. You can set the default props in the constructor here and they will be set when the class is initialised, you can refer to the local state for values and set the local state, refer to local functions, and have it passed up the chain:
class WrappedFoo extends StateWrapper {
constructor(...props) {
this.state = {foo: "bar"}
render = () => <div onClick={this.props.onClick||this.onClick}>{this.state.foo}</div>
onClick = () => this.setState({foo: "baz"})
So then my top level component just needs the constructor to set each class to it's top level state property, a simple render, and any functions that communicate cross-component.
class TopComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(...props) {
this.foo = new WrappedFoo(
props => this.setState({
fooProps: props
this.foo2 = new WrappedFoo(
props => this.setState({
foo2Props: props
this.state = {
fooProps: this.foo.state,
foo2Props: this.foo.state,
render() {
<this.foo.component onClick={this.onClickFoo} />
<this.foo2.component />
onClickFoo = () => this.foo2.setState({foo: "foo changed foo2!"})
Seems to work quite well for my purposes, bear in mind though you can't change the state of the properties you assign to wrapped components at the top level component as each wrapped component is tracking its own state but updating the state on the top component each time it changes.