There is also the LISP sense of 'trampoline' as described on Wikipedia:
Used in some LISP implementations, a
trampoline is a loop that iteratively
invokes thunk-returning functions. A
single trampoline is sufficient to
express all control transfers of a
program; a program so expressed is
trampolined or in "trampolined style";
converting a program to trampolined
style is trampolining. Trampolined
functions can be used to implement
tail recursive function calls in
stack-oriented languages
Let us say we are using Javascript and want to write the naive Fibonacci function in continuation-passing-style. The reason we would do this is not relevant - to port Scheme to JS for instance, or to play with CPS which we have to use anyway to call server-side functions.
So, the first attempt is
function fibcps(n, c) {
if (n <= 1) {
} else {
fibcps(n - 1, function (x) {
fibcps(n - 2, function (y) {
c(x + y)
But, running this with n = 25
in Firefox gives an error 'Too much recursion!'. Now this is exactly the problem (missing tail-call optimization in Javascript) that trampolining solves. Instead of making a (recursive) call to a function, let us return
an instruction (thunk) to call that function, to be interpreted in a loop.
function fibt(n, c) {
function trampoline(x) {
while (x && x.func) {
x = x.func.apply(null, x.args);
function fibtramp(n, c) {
if (n <= 1) {
return {func: c, args: [n]};
} else {
return {
func: fibtramp,
args: [n - 1,
function (x) {
return {
func: fibtramp,
args: [n - 2, function (y) {
return {func: c, args: [x + y]}
trampoline({func: fibtramp, args: [n, c]});