I have defined two modules, datapath and ctrl.

Then I define another module in the same file which instantiates both datapath and ctrl

module mult(input reset, input [3:0] i0,i1, output o);  
   wire [3:0] cnt, sh;
   wire load, go,ld1 
   datapath d0(i0,i1,cnt,sh,load,go,o);
   ctrl c0(reset, clk,sh,cnt,ld1,load,go);

But verilog complains about "invalid module item" on the line "datapath d0...", WHY?

  • Which compiler are you using? Can you post the code for datapath and ctrl?
    – dwikle
    Commented Sep 24, 2013 at 18:45

1 Answer 1


You are missing a semi-colon on the previous line.


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