I'm rewriting my blog to use Jekyll. Jekyll uses the Liquid templating language so it makes it a little more difficult to learn how to customize.

I'd like to group my list of blog posts by year. How would I write the Liquid code to be able to do this?

{% for post in site.posts %}
  <li><!-- display post year here (but only once, per year) --></li>
    <a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
{% endfor %}

8 Answers 8


It can be done with much, much less Liquid code than in the existing answers:

{% for post in site.posts %}
  {% assign currentdate = post.date | date: "%Y" %}
  {% if currentdate != date %}
    <li id="y{{currentdate}}">{{ currentdate }}</li>
    {% assign date = currentdate %} 
  {% endif %}
    <li><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}

This will return exactly the HTML specified in your question:

<li id="y2013">2013</li>
<li><a href="/2013/01/01/foo/">foo</a></li>
<li id="y2012">2012</li>
<li><a href="/2012/02/01/bar/">bar</a></li>
<li><a href="/2012/01/01/baz/">baz</a></li>

However, this is not the optimal solution, because the year numbers are "only" list items as well.
It's not much more Liquid code to put the year into a headline and to begin a new <ul> for each year's posts:

{% for post in site.posts %}
  {% assign currentdate = post.date | date: "%Y" %}
  {% if currentdate != date %}
    {% unless forloop.first %}</ul>{% endunless %}
    <h1 id="y{{post.date | date: "%Y"}}">{{ currentdate }}</h1>
    {% assign date = currentdate %}
  {% endif %}
    <li><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></li>
  {% if forloop.last %}</ul>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

The generated HTML:

<h1 id="y2013">2013</h1>
<li><a href="/2013/01/01/foo/">foo</a></li>
<h1 id="y2012">2012</h1>
<li><a href="/2012/02/01/bar/">bar</a></li>
<li><a href="/2012/01/01/baz/">baz</a></li>

You can also group by month and year instead (so that the headlines are February 2012, January 2012 and so on).

To do this, you just need to replace date: "%Y" (in the second line of both above examples) by date: "%B %Y".
(%B is the full month name, see the documentation)

  • This is great, thank you! One note is that you don't create the final </ul> for the last group. So, after the for loop, you'll want to do something like {% if site.posts.size != 0 %}</ul>{% endif %} after the for loop. Commented Jan 11, 2014 at 20:42
  • 1
    Or right before the loop ends, {% if forloop.last %}</ul>{% endif %}.
    – lfk
    Commented May 12, 2014 at 3:25
  • I'd just like to add that the other solution didn't work for me as my posts aren't necessarily sorted by date, but that this one did! Thank you! Commented Mar 10, 2015 at 1:09
  • This is a great post. I managed to adapt it to my situation. I am confused about how it works though - could anyone update this answer with comments in the Liquid code? Commented Sep 7, 2015 at 21:43
  • Is it possible to display the number of posts besides year and month?
    – Robur_131
    Commented May 17, 2020 at 20:52

These previous solutions are fantastic but luckily in late 2016, Jekyll added a group_by_exp filter that can do this much more cleanly.

{% assign postsByYear =
    site.posts | group_by_exp:"post", "post.date | date: '%Y'" %}
{% for year in postsByYear %}
  <h1>{{ year.name }}</h1>
      {% for post in year.items %}
        <li><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}-{{ post.date }}</a></li>
      {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Documentation can be found on the Jekyll Templates page.

  • Is it possible to do this with site.data rather than posts? For example I have 10 sets of data all with a data variable which fall within 3 dates that I want to loop like this. Or is it only possible with nested liquid loop? Thanks!
    – Rhys
    Commented May 21, 2017 at 9:24
  • Yes, you could group any array using the same technique: {% assign groupedData = site.data | group_by_exp: "data", "data.yourVariable" %}
    – Trevor
    Commented Aug 4, 2017 at 3:10
  • 1
    Thanks for this great answer. If you're on a newer version of Jekyll, this is definitely the route to go. Commented Apr 28, 2018 at 1:49
  • Thanks for the answer. The doc can be found here: jekyllrb.com/docs/liquid/filters/#group-by-expression
    – yo1995
    Commented Dec 22, 2022 at 3:22

If you want to break it down by year, here's the code:

{% for post in site.posts  %}
    {% capture this_year %}{{ post.date | date: "%Y" }}{% endcapture %}
    {% capture next_year %}{{ post.previous.date | date: "%Y" }}{% endcapture %}

    {% if forloop.first %}
    <h2 id="{{ this_year }}-ref">{{this_year}}</h2>
    {% endif %}

    <li><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></li>

    {% if forloop.last %}
    {% else %}
        {% if this_year != next_year %}
        <h2 id="{{ next_year }}-ref">{{next_year}}</h2>
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

If you want to break it down to year and months it can be achieved like this:

{% for post in site.posts  %}
    {% capture this_year %}{{ post.date | date: "%Y" }}{% endcapture %}
    {% capture this_month %}{{ post.date | date: "%B" }}{% endcapture %}
    {% capture next_year %}{{ post.previous.date | date: "%Y" }}{% endcapture %}
    {% capture next_month %}{{ post.previous.date | date: "%B" }}{% endcapture %}

    {% if forloop.first %}
    <h2 id="{{ this_year }}-ref">{{this_year}}</h2>
    <h3 id="{{ this_year }}-{{ this_month }}-ref">{{ this_month }}</h3>
    {% endif %}

    <li><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></li>

    {% if forloop.last %}
    {% else %}
        {% if this_year != next_year %}
        <h2 id="{{ next_year }}-ref">{{next_year}}</h2>
        <h3 id="{{ next_year }}-{{ next_month }}-ref">{{ next_month }}</h3>
        {% else %}    
            {% if this_month != next_month %}
            <h3 id="{{ this_year }}-{{ next_month }}-ref">{{ next_month }}</h3>
            {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

It is only a matter of where do you make the cut on the loop.

  • can this be made to work with site.categories.xxx ?
    – arunkumar
    Commented Apr 2, 2019 at 5:06

Some solutions above are very complex but then as @Trevor pointed out that we can levarage Jekyll's group_by_exp filter. Also I liked the solution but what I needed was grouped by Year and then inside that list grouped by Month. So, I tweaked it a little bit.

{% assign postsByYear = site.posts | group_by_exp:"post", "post.date | date: '%Y'" %}
    {% for year in postsByYear %}
      <h1>{{ year.name }}</h1>
      {% assign postsByMonth = year.items | group_by_exp:"post", "post.date | date: '%B'" %}

      {% for month in postsByMonth %}
        <h2>{{ month.name }}</h2>
          {% for post in month.items %}
            <li><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}-{{ post.date }}</a></li>
          {% endfor %}

      {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}

Variation of Ankit R Gadiya's answer. The inner for loop was displaying the html code. I needed to de-indent it to get it to properly render the markup. I also added the post's excerpt:

{% assign postsByYear = site.posts | group_by_exp:"post", "post.date | date: '%Y'" %}
{% for year in postsByYear %}
  <h1>{{ year.name }}</h1>
  {% assign postsByMonth = year.items | group_by_exp:"post", "post.date | date: '%B'" %}

{% for month in postsByMonth %}
<h2>{{ month.name }}</h2>
  {% for post in month.items %}
      <a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
      <br>{{ post.excerpt }}
  {% endfor %}

{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}



  {% for post in site.posts %}
      {% assign year = post.date | date: "%Y" %}

      {% if year != prev_year %}
      {% endif %}

        <span>{{ post.date | date: "%B %e, %Y" }}</span>
        <a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
      {% assign prev_year = year %}
  {% endfor %}


{% for post in site.posts  %}
  {% capture this_year %}{{ post.date | date: "%Y" }}{% endcapture %}

  {% if forloop.first %}
  <h2 id="{{ this_year }}-ref">{{this_year}}</h2>
  <ul class="posts">
  {% else %}
      {% if this_year != last_year %}
      <h2 id="{{ this_year }}-ref">{{this_year}}</h2>
      <ul class="posts">
      {% endif %}
  {% endif %}

      <span class="post-date">{{ post.date | date_to_string }} &raquo;</span>
      <a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a>

  {% if forloop.last %}
  {% endif %}

  {% capture last_year %}{{ this_year }}{% endcapture %}
{% endfor %}

Did not much like the other answer so here's an alternative for you. Basic logic: Display year/month only if it "new":

{% assign var currentYear = 0 %}
{% assign var currentMonth = 0 %}
{% for post in site.posts  %}
{% capture year %}{{ post.date | date: "%Y" }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture month %}{{ post.date | date: "%B" }}{% endcapture %}

{% if currentYear != year %}
  <h2>{{ year }}</h2>
{% assign var currentYear = year %}
{% endif %}
{% if currentMonth != month %}
  <h3>{{ month }}</h3>
{% assign var currentMonth = month %}
{% endif %}
<p>{{ post.title }}</p>
{% endfor %}

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