I can't seem to read this into Entity Framework and use LINQ because I get this error:

The return types for the following stored procedures could not be detected. Set the return type for each stored procedure in the Properties window.

I tried googling but the solutions seem way out of my head.. any ways I can get around this? desperate =[

The only way I can think of making this work is to create a new table.. but I can only use stored procedures unfortunately

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetGame_FantasyHome]
    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
    @GameDate varchar(8),
    @TricodeHome varchar(3)
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.

    CREATE TABLE #FantasyHome(
        GameKey int,
        PlayerName varchar(50),
        Tricode varchar(3),
        StatString varchar(50),
        Position varchar(20),
        FantasyScore int

    DECLARE @gameKey int
    SET @gameKey = (SELECT GameKey FROM Games WHERE GameDate=@GameDate
        AND TricodeHome=@TricodeHome)

    INSERT #FantasyHome
    SELECT TOP 1 p.GameKey, p.PlayerName, p.Tricode, p.StatString, p.Position,
        (p.Yards/25 + p.Touchdowns * 6 - p.Interceptions * 2) AS FantasyScore
    FROM GamePassers AS p 
    WHERE p.GameKey=@gameKey AND p.Tricode=@TricodeHome
    ORDER BY FantasyScore DESC, p.Yards DESC

    SELECT *
    FROM #FantasyHome
    ORDER BY FantasyScore DESC

    DROP TABLE #FantasyHome

1 Answer 1


· The one way to get these types of stored procedures to work is to edit DBML by hand or write your own method signature for the procedure in a partial class To Handle multiple record set return from stored procedure by LINQ see the link here.

· The second way is to avoid using #temp Table in your stored procedure, instead of you can use Table type variable like below (@TempTable)

More info here. Be sure to read also the article about table variables in T-SQL pointed in that blog post.

EDIT: Check also answers to this SO question for reference.

  • YOU'RE THE MAN! turned it into table variables and it worked!!! you seriously seriously saved me hours of wasting time at work trying to find a solution Commented Sep 30, 2013 at 20:50
  • Next time remember to start looking for a solution by googling the error message or just a part of it and checking the results. ;) Commented Oct 1, 2013 at 5:14
  • i actually did.. i think my googling just sucks -.- Commented Oct 1, 2013 at 22:34

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