Unexpected symbol error in R. Please see below:

Error: unexpected symbol in infants.csv <- read.csv("C:\\Users\\alcos001\\Desktop\\Data for PubH7405\\infants.csv" header=TRUE)

I'm totally lost to what the unexpected symbol is. Does anyone see it? is it a typo or the wrong command?


  • You're using \` or /` as a folder separator, right? Even though Windows uses `, it is an escape character in R, so you can't write read.csv("C:\Users\alcos001\Desktop\Data for PubH7405\infants.csv" header=TRUE), just read.csv("C:\\Users\\alcos001\\Desktop\\Data for PubH7405\\infants.csv" header=TRUE)` or read.csv("C:/Users/alcos001/Desktop/Data for PubH7405/infants.csv" header=TRUE). Oct 11, 2013 at 0:01
  • 4
    It's the extra double quote near the end. Edit: now its the lack of comma
    – Sean Owen
    Oct 11, 2013 at 0:06

1 Answer 1


You are missing a comma in your function call. Should read

read.csv("C:/Users/alcos001/Desktop/Data for PubH7405/infants.csv", header=TRUE)

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