Until recently it was possible, in a chrome extension, to know if the current tab was a new tab by checking if the tab url was "chrome://newtab/" however since the last update it seems that the new tab url is something like "https://www.google.[...]/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&[...]".

Is there a robust way to find if the active tab is newtab ? (I don't consider catching newtab event or having a superficial look at the url shape as robust)

  • Please show your code. I cannot reproduce your problem in Chrome 32.0.1667.0 (Canary Aura, Windows). I've created a dummy extension with the <all_urls> and tabs permissions, and read the current URL in the chrome.browserAction.onClicked event, which showed "chrome://newtab/".
    – Rob W
    Commented Oct 11, 2013 at 20:49
  • Did you ever find a solution for this? I'm doing the exact same thing. Thanks! Commented Jan 11, 2020 at 20:54

1 Answer 1


Use activeTab.url == "chrome://newtab/"

At least in Chrome Version 79.0.3945.88 (Official Build) (64-bit), to check if the current/active tab is a new tab, you can still do:

activeTab.url == "chrome://newtab/"

Maybe you have another extension or a configuration setting where it's defaulting your new tabs to a certain URL.

  • If I understand correctly, [activeTab] = await window.browser.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }); and you must have the activeTab or tabs permission in your manifest, otherwise url is unset.
    – gman
    Commented Apr 5 at 17:44

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