Here is what I am passing. pictureFile is a File

Intent intent = new Intent (context, ShowPicActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("picture", pictureFile);

In the next activity which one of the getters do I use to get it?

Intent intent = getIntent(); .....?

  • Do not pass File object. You better pass URI to that file.
    – Leonidos
    Oct 16, 2013 at 7:17
  • 1
    Have you seen anywhere in android sdk someone passed/returned File object via Intent? URI is the android way to do this. I'll try to find an article why you shouldn't do this.
    – Leonidos
    Oct 16, 2013 at 7:31
  • Ok thank you, If it's the best way I will do it that way then! I just want to know why!
    – dsuma
    Oct 16, 2013 at 7:36
  • 3
    because File is more than just a refence to a resource. When you pass object via intent a new copy will be created and I'm not sure that the copy of File will be viable in all use cases. If you need to pass a referense use URI, if you need to share File object inside your app share it some other way without serializing.
    – Leonidos
    Oct 16, 2013 at 10:26

3 Answers 3


File implements serializable ( first thing to check to send an object through an intent. ) ( source )

so you can do it, just cast the resulting object to File like this :

File pictureFile = (File)getIntent.getExtras().get("picture");

It should be fine. (it use the getter for 'object' which needs a serializable object and return it. The cast should be enough.)

  • 2
    Wouldn't getSerializableExtra() be more appropriate? Nov 8, 2016 at 14:18

Try the following:

YourPictureClass picture = (YourPictureClass)getIntent().getExtras().get("picture");

By calling getExtras() in your Intent you get an instance of Bundle.
With the normal get() in class Bundle you can read every Object you pass to the calling Intent. The only thing you have to do is to parse it back to the class your object is an instance of.  


You can send it like this:

intent.putExtra("MY_FILE", myFile);

and retrieve it like this:

File myFile = (File)intent.getSerializableExtra("MY_FILE");

However, it may be better (anyone?) to send the file as a string reference, in which case you could send as:

intent.putExtra("MY_FILE_STRING", myFile.toString());

and retrieve/reconstruct like this:

File myFile = new File(intent.getStringExtra("MY_FILE_STRING"));

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