I read two things about blockquotes:

  1. The cite-tag has to be inside the blockquote-tag

  2. Quotationmarks are not part of semntic layout. That makes sense, as I don't want the user to take care of correct quotation. Eg. if I want to use Guillemets.

That leads to a problem. If I want it to look that way:

"Blockquotes are an essential part of a fancy website."
                                                – Cite

The markup would look like this:

<blockquote><p>Blockquotes are an essential part of a fancy website."</p>

I could use the :before and :after elements to add the quotationmarks and the dash. But what if I have two paragraphs? I could wrap them into a span, but at that point, it really gets too complicated for my users to take care of it. (Plus: Wordpress does not even have a way to add a cite-tag, but thats another story)

How would you solve this? What is your HTML-Markup for a correct blockquote and how do you add the quotationmarks?

  • I assume you mean using before and after on the <p>? I wonder if you could mix it with some first-child and last-child selectors... not sure on browser support though. Commented Oct 23, 2013 at 11:49
  • You are right! The support is better than that of :before and :after. I should have thought about this. Maybe you can post it as an answer. Commented Oct 23, 2013 at 11:53
  • What is the "Cite" supposed to be? I'm not sure you are using the <cite> element right. Were you thinking of the cite attribute?
    – Mr Lister
    Commented Oct 23, 2013 at 12:01
  • I think it's this: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/cite Commented Oct 23, 2013 at 12:05
  • As far as I understand it can be used, for example, to contain the Newspaper in which the quote was printed. (– New York Times) And that's, how I use it. If you want to have something like - Mark Twain, you can use another tag, I think in that case it has to be outside the blockquote. Commented Oct 23, 2013 at 12:15

2 Answers 2


How about something like this?

blockquote p:first-of-type:before {

blockquote p:last-of-type:after {

cite:before {

This uses guillemets and an mdash to format the output.

jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/9LjTB/1/

  • for guillements we'll need an escaped \uWhatsit so it outputs properly... just trying to find the correct code, then I'll update the answer. Commented Oct 23, 2013 at 12:00

(EDIT: Note that the definition of both elements, blockquote and cite, changed in HTML 5.1 recently; this answer reflects the current HTML5 state, not the changed HTML 5.1 one.)

The cite element must not be part of the blockquote (unless you quote a quote+attribution). blockquote must only contain quoted content, not the quotation author/source.

HTML5 spec for blockquote:

Attribution for the quotation, if any, must be placed outside the blockquote element.

So it should be:


Note that in HTML5, the cite element may be used only for the "title of a work"; so it’s likely that you want to use a div, possibly containing cite:

<div class="quote-attribution">Walter White, <cite>Breaking Bad</cite></div>

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