I'm trying to create a smooth solution for sharing files with a custom presentation of the files (logos fonts etc).
My ideal would be to put the files in a dropbox folder and then have a webpage, on a separate server, access those files over javascript and display a list of them linked to the actual files.
A demand is that the end user don't have to authenticate with a dropbox acocunt in order to access the files. I would rather like to use a public folder or use files from another account.
Is there any way to maintain a auth-session serverside, something like a permanent sessionID or something like that?
$dbxClient = new dbx\Client($accessToken, "PHP-Example/1.0"); $accountInfo = $dbxClient->getAccountInfo(); print_r($accountInfo);
change: "$accessToken" to your authentication key, or put the line:"$accessToken = "{authentication code here}";
above that code...