I was deploying my app then suddenly my internet went down and the update was interrupted.

How do I rollback the update?


2 Answers 2


Rollback in App Engine

  1. Place your project app.yaml in C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\google_appengine

  2. Open cmd and change the directory to C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\google_appengine using cd command

  3. Run the command python appcfg.py rollback app.yaml


To roll back the update use the appcfg rollback command which is documented for Java apps here and for Python here.

If you are using Python on Windows then you would use:

appcfg.py rollback C:\myappdirectory

Just substitute C:\myappdirectory for the directory of your application. If you are using Java then you should substitute appcfg.py for directory-to-java-sdk\appcfg.cmd on Windows and directory-to-java-sdk\appcfg.shon linux and mac.

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