The problem
grunt server
outputs this:
Warning: Task "compass:server" not found.
I uploaded Gruntfile.js here:
That's the default file I got after creating a new Yeoman project.
I am reading Building Web Apps With Yeoman And Polymer and following the described console commands to run.
My system:
- Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit
- NodeJS 0.10.21
- NPM 1.3.11
I've already executed these commands:
npm install -g yo
npm install generator-polymer -g
yo polymer
grunt server
told me that I had to install Ruby and Compass.
I installed Ruby from here:
After installing, I also successfully whether Ruby has really been registered in the PATH.I used NPM for installing Compass:
npm install grunt-contrib-compass --save-dev -g
(I tried a local and global install of Compass. Neither of them worked.)
This is the exact output of grunt
D:\test>grunt server
Running "server" task
Warning: Task "compass:server" not found. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
Elapsed time
server 4ms
Total 4ms
It works now...
Unfortunately, I still don't know the exact cause. I went through all of my instructions above again, and it just worked out of the box.
In any case, I recommend updating all packages. My version numbers are (last edited: 02.02.14):
[NodeJS v.0.10.24]
[NPM 1.3.21]
[grunt-cli v0.1.11]
[grunt v0.4.2]