I'm using bootstrap and I need to implement a list of items to be displayed over many columns.

Bootstrap uses a grid that is 12 cells wide. My item being 3 cells wide (that's how I roll), it means that a row holds only 4 items.

item 1 | item 2 | item 3 | item 4 
item 5 

My item is not a simple text but a "card" : enter image description here

The code can be found there.

The straightforward way to write this would be:

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-3">[item 1]</div>
    <div class="col-md-3">[item 2]</div>
    <div class="col-md-3">[item 3]</div>
    <div class="col-md-3">[item 4]</div>
<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-3">[item 5]</div>

But it feels non semantic. The fact that my items are displayed on many rows is truly pertaining to presentation choices.

Besides, if I now decide that my items should be wider, I have to change the structure of my document (as opposed to class attributes).

Besides that way of doing things is even more artificial on a mobile screen were all my items are displayed on top of each other.

Is there another way to write my list? A more 'semantic' way ?

  • What are your "items"? Show some actual code, please, or explain better why this isn't right for your scenario.
    – isherwood
    Commented Nov 4, 2013 at 21:01

3 Answers 3


From my stand, the best way to display an Unordered LIST with hypertext markup is :


So, you can try a list of ul>li setting your <li> width to 25%, float-left.

Your 5th element is supposed to stack bottom left.

If you still want to use bootstrap grid system, just put your 'items' inside the same row.

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-3">item 1</div>
    <div class="col-md-3">item 2</div>
    <div class="col-md-3">item 3</div>
    <div class="col-md-3">item 4</div>
    <div class="col-md-3">item 5</div>
    <div class="col-md-3">item 6</div>
    <div class="col-md-3">item 7</div>

The overflowed elements will be stack bottom left.

So give it a try:

<ul class="row">
    <li class="col-md-3">item 1</li>

You could use a UL list..

<ul class="list-unstyled">
    <li class="col-md-3">item 1</li>
    <li class="col-md-3">item 2</li>
    <li class="col-md-3">item 3</li>
    <li class="col-md-3">item 4</li>
    <li class="col-md-3">item 5</li>
    <li class="col-md-3">item 6</li>
    <li class="col-md-3">item 7</li>

Demo: http://bootply.com/91825

However, you'd need to change this markup if you decide to make things wider.


1.You can always change the default 12 space grid to whatever you prefer by setting @gridColumns to your preference in this page or overriding the css.less if you prefer.

2.With Bootstrap you can use the custom class inline to build your list:

<ul class="inline">

3.But as Milche refered col-md-3 will do the trick if you stick to one row. I think I would use a tag though, to make clear it's inline.

  • inline works also. It adds a light margin between the items, and the col-md-3 class seems not necessary on the li. Commented Nov 4, 2013 at 21:51

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