I do not have access to the admin account in Windows 7. Is there a way to install RabbitMQ and its required Erlang without admin privileges? In some portable way?
I need to use it in my Python Celery project.
I do not have access to the admin account in Windows 7. Is there a way to install RabbitMQ and its required Erlang without admin privileges? In some portable way?
I need to use it in my Python Celery project.
It is possible. Here's how I've done it:
You need to create a portable Erlang and acquire RabbitMQ server files.
You can install regular Erlang to another computer, then copy the whole installation directory to the computer with limited account. You can use local documents, or AppData like C:\Users\Limited_Account\AppData\erl5.10.4
(If you don't have any access to another computer, you can extract the setup file with 7-Zip but it'll be troublesome to fix paths.)
Modify the erg.ini in the bin folder with the new path. (By default erg.ini uses Unix line endings, so it might be seen as a single line.)
See if bin\erl.exe opens up Erlang Shell. If you see a crash dump, path might not be correct. If Visual C++ Redist. files were not installed before, it will nag you about msvcr100.dll and you need to manually copy them as well but I don't recommended that.
Download the zip version of RabbitMQ server from https://www.rabbitmq.com/install-windows-manual.html and extract it.
Set %ERLANG_HOME% variable. You can type set ERLANG_HOME="C:\\Users\\Limited_Account\\AppData\\erl5.10.4\"
in command line. Alternatively, you can add this line to every .bat in the sbin folder.
Now you can use the management scripts in the sbin folder. For example, you can use rabbitmq_server-3.2.4\sbin\rabbitmq-server.bat to start the RabbitMQ Server. Obviously, starting as a service is not an option because you are not an admin.
For further information, see: https://www.rabbitmq.com/install-windows-manual.html
set ERLANG_HOME="C:\\PROGRA~1\\MY~1\\resources\\assets\\erlang\\erts-10.5"
which corresponds to: set ERLANG_HOME="C:\\Program Files\\My Folder\\resources\\assets\\erlang\\erts-10.5"