I'm using Spring MVC / Message to translate a java properties file in my application. All language are rendering correctly (except Japanese and Chinese.. They both appear as '?' question marks) The resulting page has a proper UTF-8 encoding.. Is it required to install a language pack to see the characters in the browser or am I encountering some other encoding issue?

I'm using this declaration for charset

They appear in my IDE / Text editors correctly on the same machine.

any thanks appreciated!

1 Answer 1


Does your response have the right Content header set? For example:

Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

You say that the page has a proper UTF-8 encoding, but it's worth verifying. Next I would check the encoding of the properties files themselves. They might not be saved in UTF-8.

Also, no, you don't need a language pack to see chinese/japanese characters in a browser. As a sanity check you could google "chinese newspaper" and make sure you can see other chinese pages.


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