I have been using the layout-small, layout-large and such folders for multiscreen support but I was told to do with res-values-dimensions, but I am not sure how do it.

How can you have Multiscreen support with res-values-dimensions?

1 Answer 1


you might try the following, if it just concerns dimensions and sizes. I didn't try it, but the main idea should work

  1. make for every wished resolution a dimension file

    values.xml, values-hdpi.xml, values-xhdpi.xml,

  2. inside each you can declare your values, eg:

< resources >
< bool name="myboolvalue" > true < /bool >
< dimen  name="mydimenvalue" > dimension < /dimen >
< /resources >
  1. do this for every resolution. Then you can access these inside your layout, somehow like this:
android:textSize ="@dimen/mydimenvalue"
  • Thanks Anthea will try it Nov 9, 2013 at 4:08
  • Anthea I tried but it doesn't work. The traditional method of res\layout\small etc and then supports screen in the manifest works. My question is can I create a single layout which can support all screen formats Nov 9, 2013 at 6:02

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