I have two arrays A and B. How do I combine them into a new array C, which is their Cartesian product? For example, given:

A=( 0 1 )
B=( 1 2 )

Desired output:

C=( 0:1 0:2 1:1 1:2 )

5 Answers 5


If you don't care about having duplicates, or maintaining indexes, then you can concatenate the two arrays in one line with:

NEW=("${OLD1[@]}" "${OLD2[@]}")

Full example:

Unix=('Debian' 'Red hat' 'Ubuntu' 'Suse' 'Fedora' 'UTS' 'OpenLinux');
Shell=('bash' 'csh' 'jsh' 'rsh' 'ksh' 'rc' 'tcsh');
UnixShell=("${Unix[@]}" "${Shell[@]}")
echo ${UnixShell[@]}
echo ${#UnixShell[@]}

Credit: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/06/bash-array-tutorial/

  • 12
    This concatenates the two arrays which is not what the OP wants. Commented Mar 28, 2017 at 16:25
  • 56
    @DennisWilliamson, Yep, but Google will send thousands of people here looking for this answer. I'm glad it's here. Commented Apr 18, 2018 at 7:50
  • 2
    While it's a useful technique, it should also be noted that the indices of the source arrays are lost. When the destination array is created, new indices are generated. Commented Apr 5, 2019 at 21:16
  • Anyone who wants to use this method should test it thoroughly before putting it in their code. When -n is in one of the arrays, it is omitted in the merged array. To see this, run the following code: a=(-m -n -o); b=(-p -q -r); c=("${a[@]}" "${b[@]}"); for i in "${c[@]}"; do echo $i; done. Also, putting it in quotes doesn't help.
    – Dave F
    Commented Nov 16, 2021 at 10:27
  • 2
    @Dave F, the missing -n is not an issue of the array concatination. That works as expected. It is missing, because echo interprets it as an option to not output a newline.
    – B. Ehlers
    Commented Feb 23, 2022 at 14:35

Since Bash supports sparse arrays, it's better to iterate over the array than to use an index based on the size.

a=(0 1); b=(2 3)
for z in ${a[@]}
    for y in ${b[@]}
declare -p c   # dump the array


declare -a c='([0]="0:2" [1]="0:3" [2]="1:2" [3]="1:3")'

here's one way

a=(0 1)
b=(1 2)
    for ((j=0;j<${#b[@]};j++))

for i in ${c[@]}
    echo $i
  • 1
    The second for loop should use double quotes around the array reference. This preserves significant spaces in the array values. Try it with a=("foo bar" "baz quux"). The c+= assignment similarly needs to quote the new value.
    – tripleee
    Commented Jul 26, 2016 at 1:49

Here is how I merged two arrays in Bash:

Example arrays:

AR=(1 2 3) BR=(4 5 6)

One Liner:

CR=($(echo ${AR[*]}) $(echo ${BR[*]}))

  • 2
    There's no need to use $() and this doesn't preserve spaces in the values (if they exist). a=("some words" some single words) b=(one two three "words with spaces") n=("${a[@]}" "${b[@]}") You can also just append to one of them with += a+=("${b[@]}") ` Commented Apr 25, 2019 at 4:06
  • This only works if every element is space delimited. If you used readarray to feed elements in based on lines this will not work.
    – Dave
    Commented Dec 18, 2021 at 21:47

One line statement to merge two arrays in bash:

combine=( `echo ${array1[@]}` `echo ${array2[@]}` )
  • That will re-split the elements. You probably meant combine=("${array1[@]}" "${array2[@]}"). Which is then what Ian Dunn said. Commented Dec 11, 2019 at 14:40
  • The quoting error is exacerbated by the useless use of echo
    – tripleee
    Commented Feb 22, 2023 at 18:01

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