Here is the scenario.
I am implementing namespaces into my projects.
I have my own custom bridge library that calls other libraries like Zend to do the heavy lifting.
I have no problem using fully qualified namespaces in my custom bridge library but would like to keep the code as terse as possible in my controllers, models and view.
Here is an example of some aliasses i would like to use:
use BridgeLibName\Stdlib\Arrays as arr;
use BridgeLibName\Stdlib\Objects as obj;
use BridgeLibName\Stdlib\Strings as str;
use BridgeLibName\Stdlib\Numbers as num;
use BridgeLibName\Stdlib\File as file;
Example usage:
$file = new file('path/to/file.txt');
$obj = arr::toObject(['key1'=>'value1']);
is it possible in any way to create an alias or constant that can be globally accessible and not discarded at the end of each file?
Some kind of bootstrap file that can make these aliases stick.