I want the actual field updated to change depending on a condition. Existing examples I have come across only allow the value of the update to be changed, not the field. This is what I have tried:

UPDATE conversations 
CASE WHEN conv_author_id = $uid THEN SET conv_viewed_author = $d
ELSE SET conv_viewed_recipient = $d END 
WHERE conv_id = $id

However this gives me a syntax error.

How do I set the actual field updated to be conditional?

2 Answers 2


This should do the trick:

UPDATE conversations
  conv_viewed_author = IF(conv_author_id = $uid, $d, conv_viewed_author),
  conv_viewed_recipient = IF(conv_author_id = $uid, conv_viewed_recipient, $d)
  conv_id = $id;
  • Never used mysql, that's quite less verbose than a case statement ;)
    – plalx
    Nov 11, 2013 at 16:44
  • Thanks! Chose this answer for simplicity, but both answers are appreciated.
    – emkay
    Nov 11, 2013 at 16:51

You can always do something like this:

UPDATE conversations
    conv_viewed_author = (
        CASE conv_author_id 
            WHEN $uid THEN $d 
            ELSE conv_viewed_author 
    conv_viewed_recipient = (
        CASE conv_author_id 
            WHEN $uid THEN conv_viewed_recipient 
            ELSE $d 
WHERE conv_id = $id

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